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OCLC FAST subject heading

Civil rights


The current "Latin Music Craze" in United States mass media demands critical analysis from the LatCrit community. LatCrit scholars have engaged in the serious discussion of cultural production—of culture generally and popular culture in particular. LatCrit theory has analyzed cultural production mostly by "others," that is, cultural production internal to outsider communities. LatCritters also have studied how United States mass media portrays Latinas/os, African-Americans and Filipinas/os. This article will examine the competing narratives of Puerto Rican cultures in Puerto Rico and in the United States that are illuminated by the current Latin Music Craze. It will then explore how LatCritical praxis can counter the problems of discrimination against and internalized oppressions within the colonized Puerto Rican peoples.


A part of LatCrit V Symposium. Class in LatCrit: Theory and Praxis in a World of Economic Inequality. In Section: Comparative Racialization.
