Florida Entertainment and Sports Law Review


This Essay will integrate current events as well as recent and ongoing litigation to emphasize the everchanging landscape of copyright transactions and creators’ rights as a whole. It will specifically explore this problem by first discussing some of the more recently involved parties in these copyright transactions: private equity funds. Next, it will discuss some of the opportunities and implications for creators in these transactions, including several high-profile examples of recent transactions in both publishing and recordings. Then, the potential solutions for creators in the spheres of both statutory policy and business dealings will be explored. While discussing potential solutions, this Essay will spotlight some of the emerging issues surrounding categorizing “works made for hire” and “joint works” before examining termination rights and shorter assignment periods. Before concluding, this Essay will then consider some potential regulations for private equity funds. This Essay will finish by introducing contractual changes that could specifically allow record labels and creators to contract around the current copyright provisions for creators to retain their masters or attain better re-recording clauses.
