Prior to 2004, Florida was one of seven states without its own minimum wage. In 2004, state voters overwhelmingly passed a ballot initiative that enshrined the right to a state minimum wage in Florida’s Constitution. In 2020, voters passed a second ballot initiative that gradually raises Florida’s minimum wage to $15 per hour. Despite bipartisan voter support, the Authors found that since 2004, the State has taken no formal actions to enforce Florida’s minimum wage law. Further, the Authors’ analysis of U.S. Census data demonstrated that amid the failure of State enforcement, minimum wage violations rose dramatically, disproportionately impacting women, Black, Latinx, and immigrant workers. Likewise, of the industries with the highest violation rates, five of the top six are key to Florida’s economy. The Authors argue that Floridian workers need a state department of labor to fully realize the promise of Florida’s constitutional right to the minimum wage.
Recommended Citation
Tsoukalas, Alexis P.; Round, Jenn; Fine, Janice; and Galvin, Daniel J.
"Minimum Wage Enforcement: The Unfinished Business of Florida's Constitutional Amendment,"
University of Florida Journal of Law & Public Policy: Vol. 32:
3, Article 3.
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