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With the rise of (cleaned up) citations from practitioners and courts, Legal Writing Professors should continue to teach traditional legal citation rules for parentheticals. Teaching traditional legal citations for parentheticals will not only prepare students for the real world of legal writing expected by many courts, but will also help them to avoid ethical pitfalls that may result from the use of (cleaned up) citations. The author also calls for a return to the use of traditional legal citation rules for parentheticals to mitigate any further impacts on the evolution of jurisprudence, and to comply with a lawyer’s ethical duty of candor to the court.
Recommended Citation
Donna Eng, Should Legal Writing Professors Continue to Teach Traditional Legal Citation Rules for Parentheticals Despite the Increased Usage of (Cleaned Up) Parentheticals?, 37 The Second Draft, no. 2, 2024, available at
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Legal Education Commons, Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Commons, Legal Writing and Research Commons