Corn, Carbon, and Conservation: Rethinking U.S. Agricultural Policy in a Changing Global Environment
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2010
OCLC FAST subject heading
Environment law
This Article explores a range of issues related to both the regulatory and incentive-based federal programs that affect the crops we grow, the manner in which they are grown, and the human and environmental impacts of such programs. The Article evaluates the 2008 Farm Bill and describes how the policies contained in it influence virtually every aspect of agriculture, from the decision to grow certain crops, the amount of crops grown, the industrial manner. This Article focuses on one particular commodity, corn, which while ubiquitous and seemingly pedestrian, is perhaps one of the major environmental offenders, and for which the development of a modernized agriculture policy could transform U.S. agriculture.
Recommended Citation
Mary Jane Angelo, Corn, Carbon, and Conservation: Rethinking U.S. Agricultural Policy in a Changing Global Enviornment, 17 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 593 (2010), available at