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OCLC FAST subject heading
Environment law
In this introductory article, I explore what ethics, science, economics, and law suggest about the value of restoration. These themes -- the questions and challenges posed by ethics, science, economics, and law -- resonate throughout the Articles in this Symposium. Drawing on the presentations given at the Symposium and the literature on environmental restoration, this article reviews some of the major questions that science and ethics pose for restoration, as well as the challenges posed by the economic and legal contexts within which environmental restoration occurs. After a brief comment on the definition of restoration, this article addresses the challenges posed by science, ethics, and the legal and socioeconomic contexts in which restoration occurs.
Recommended Citation
Alyson C. Flournoy, Restoration Rx: An Evaluation and Prescription, 42 Ariz. L. Rev. 187 (2000), available at