Recent Developments in Ad Valorem Taxation
James S. Wershow
The Legal Nihlism of Pashukanis
Stephen J. Powell
Workmen's Compensation: Florida Subsequent Injury Law and Special Disability Fund
Christopher H. Cook and E. C. Deeno Kitchen
The Defense of Entrapment: A Plea for Constitutional Standards
William C. Sherrill
Present Banking Structure in Florida and Branch Banking
William J. Sheppard and John D. McKey
Case Comments
Life Insurance: Express Disclaimer Clause Necessary to Deny Benefits to Estate of an Insured Killed While Committing a Felony
John Patrick Kuder and R. Anthony Rogers
Sales: Implied Warranties in Blood Transfusions
Thomas L. Sherrard
Expatriation: The Issue of Consent
Michael Storace
Juvenile Courts: The Gault Case--New Procedural Rights for Juveniles
William Knight Zewadski