Some Economic and Legal Aspects of the Pollution Problem--The Automobile: A Case in Point
Robert F. Lanzilloti and Roger D. Blair
The Florida Industrial Development Financing Act: Public-Private Investment in Social Engineering
Michael R. Storace
A Primer on Private Offerings
Stephen F. Gertzman
Survivorship Rights in Joint Accounts
Richard B. Stevens
Alimony: Income Taxation of Installment Payments
Robert C. Joyner
Case Comments
Wrongful Death: Judicial Action in the Face of Legislative Action
Freeman W. Barner
Res Judicata: A Retreat from the Requirements of Mutuality
Martha Walters Barnett
Insurance: Elimination of the Physical Contact Requirement from Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Florida
Elliot Borkson
Constitutional Law: Closing Public Schools to Avoid Racial Integration Not a Denial of Equal Protection
David A. Guy
State Loyalty Oaths: A Constitutional Resurrection
Morgan Stevenson Bragg