New Florida Common Law Rules
John T. Wigginton
Federal Estate Tax: Section 811(c) Revisited
Richard B. Stephens
Sketch of the Evolution of Florida Law
George A. Dietz
New Florida Apportionment of Estate Taxes
Al Cone and Claude K. Slater
Judicial Notice of Foreign Law
Robert Clawson
Torts: Dog Owner's Liability in Florida
Theodore C. Houk
State School Fund Lands: Validity of Exchanges and Cancellations of Tax Sale Certificates
Vernon M. Culpepper
Exemption from the Federal Additional Estate Tax for Certain Members of Armed Forces
George Earl Brown
Case Comments
Appeal and Error: Cross Appeal Not Necessary in Florida When Taking Cross-Assignment of Error
H. Laurence Cooper Jr.
Conflict of Laws: Rights of Seller Under Conditional Sales Contract When Buyer Removes Property from State
Grover C. Herring
Criminal Law: Nature and Use of Flight
George H. Harrison
Divorce: Corroboration of Testimony of Complainant
Gordon D. McCutcheon
Negotiable Instruments: The Imposter Rule
C. Norris Tilton
Torts: Distinction Between Mere Insult and Slander Per Quod
B. A. Bittan Jr.
Book Reviews
The American Law of Collision (John Wheeler Griffin, 1949)
Charles V. Silliman
Soviet Civil Law (Vladimir Gsovski, 1948)
Karl Krastin
Patent Notes for Engineers (C. D. Tuska, 1947)
Silas K. Eshleman