The Substantial Evidence Rule in Florida Administrative Law
Malcolm B. Parsons
Direct and Cross-Examination of Witnesses
Francis X. Busch
Mr. Justice Douglas and Judicial Restraint
Marian D. Irish
Case Comments
Bills and Notes: Finance Company as Holder in Due Course of Note and Conditional Sales Agreement
Edward Siegel
Criminal Law: Simultaneous Convictions as Offenses Under Fourth Felony Offender Statute
Robert E. Cobb
Damages: Recovery for Impairment of Housewife's Earning Capacity
John W. Stanford
Easements: Adverse Possession of Streets and Parks in a Platted Area
Ronald Jabara and A. J. Ryan Jr.
Federal Income Taxation: Nondeductibility of Husband's Legal Expenses in Contesting Alimony Payments
Arthur E. Barrow
Federal Income Taxation: Taxability of Punitive Awards
Edward N. Claughton Jr.
Homestead: Effect of Variant Ownership on Descent
Julian D. Clarkson
Real Property: The Rule in Shelley's Case in Florida
J. E. Hipp and Michael S. Wright Jr.
Book Reviews
Successful Appellate Techniques (John Alan Appleman, 1953)
William Reece Smith Jr.
Private International Law (G. C. Cheshire, 1952)
Robert Trask Mann