September 2008
Constitutional Advocacy Explains Constitutional Outcomes
Stephen A. Higginson
The Gunslinger to the Ivory Tower Came: Should Universities Have a Duty to Prevent Rampage Killings?
Ben "Ziggy" Williamson
Does a Cartel Aim Expressly? Trusting Calder Personal Jurisdiction when Antitrust Goes Global?
Larry Dougherty
Case Comments
False Statements v. Free Debate: Is the First Amendment a License to Lie in Elections?
Simon A. Rodell
Interpreting I.R.C. § 67(e): The Supreme Court's Attempt to Nail Investment Advisory Fees to the "Floor"
Lindsay Roshkind
Qualified Immunitity: When is a Loss Ultimately a Win?
Michael J. Hooi
Distilling Minimum Due Process Requirements for Punitive Damages Awards
Benjamin J. Robinson