Charity in the 21st Century: Trending Toward Decay
Roger Colinvaux
The Corporate Income Tax: A Persistent Policy Challenge
Jane G. Gravelle
Consolidating Foreign Affiliates
Jasper L. Cummings Jr.
The GATT-Legality of Border Adjustments for Carbon Taxes and the Cost of Emissions Permits: A Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, Inside an Enigma
Charles E. McLure Jr.
Defining Income
Alice G. Abreu and Richard K. Greenstein
Exclusion from Income of Compensation for Services and Pooling of Labor Occuring in a Noncommercial Setting
Douglas A. Kahn
Stateless Income
Edward D. Kleinbard
A Proposal for Taking the Complexities Out of Taxing U.S. Retirement Distributions to Foreign Nationals
Cynthia Blum and Paula N. Singer