It's Not a Rule: A Better Way to Understand the Definition of Income
Alice G. Abreu and Richard K. Greenstein
Horizontal Equity Revisited
James Repetti and Diane Ring
The Illusory Promise of Economic Nexus
Adam B. Thimmesch
Extinguishing and Amending Tax-Deductible Conservation Easements: Protecting the Federal Investment After Carpenter, Simmons, and Kaufman
Nancy A. McLaughlin
Partnership Special Allocations Revisited
David Hasen
Designing a U.S. Exemption System for Foreign Income When the Treasury is Empty
J. Clifton Fleming Jr., Robert J. Peroni, and Stephen E. Shay
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2012
Martin J. McMahon Jr., Ira B. Shepard, and Daniel L. Simmons