The Intersection of EU State Aid and U.S. Tax Deferral: A Spectacle of Fireworks, Smoke, and Mirrors
Romero J.S. Tavares, Bret N. Bogenschneider, and Marta Pankiv
Conservation Easements and the Valuation Conundrum
Nancy A. McLaughlin
Can We Clean This Up? A Brief Journey Through the United States Rules for Taxing Business Entities
Willard B. Taylor
Bitcoin and the Definition of Foreign Currency
Adam Chodorow
Joint Winners, Separate Losers: Proposals to Ease the Sting for Married Taxpayers Filing Separately
Michelle Lyon Drumbl
Accelerating Depreciation in Recession
Rebecca N. Morrow
The Fair Tax: The Personal Realization Income Tax
Joseph M. Dodge
The Tax Hedging Rules Revisited
Dr. Yoram Keinan