Most Recent Additions*


Conducting Research with Highly Portable MRI in Community Settings: A Practical Guide to Navigating Ethical Issues and ELSI Checklist
Francis X. Shen, Susan M. Wolf, Frances P. Lawrenz, Donnella S. Comeau, Barbara J. Evans, Damien A. Fair, Martha J. Farah, Michael Garwood, Duke Han, Judy Illes, Jonathan D. Jackson, Eran Klein, Matthew S. Rosen, Efraín Torres, Paul Tuite, and J. Thomas Vaughan


Should Tort Law Care About Police Officers?
Ellen M. Bublick and Jane R. Bambauer


No-One Receives Psychiatric Treatment in a Squad Car
Judy Ann Clausen and Joanmarie I. Davoli

*Updated as of 03/12/25.