Submissions from 2004
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2003, Ira B. Shepard and Martin J. McMahon Jr.
Creating and Certifying the Professional Mediator -- Education and Credentialing, Joseph B. Stulberg, Donald C. Peters, Tracy L. Allen, and Judith P. Meyer
A New Time for Denominators: Toward a Dynamic Theory of Property in the Regulatory Takings Relevant Parcel Analysis, Danaya C. Wright
The Logic and Experience of Law: Lawrence v. Texas and the Politics of Privacy, Danaya C. Wright
Untying the Knot: An Analysis of the English Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Court Records, 1858-1866, Danaya C. Wright
"Well-Behaved Women Don't Make History": Rethinking English Family, Law, and History, Danaya C. Wright
Submissions from 2003
Shared Knowledge, Shared Jurisprudence: Learning to Speak Environmental Law Creole (Criollo), Thomas T. Ankersen
Accommodation Subverted: The Future of Work/Family Initiatives in a 'Me, Inc.' World, Rachel Arnow-Richman
An International Tax Regime in Crystallization, Yariv Brauner
Contributions, Distributions, and Assumption of Liabilities: Confronting Economic Reality, Karen C. Burke
Exculpatory Liabilities and Partnership Nonrecourse Allocations, Karen C. Burke
Let's Put Ourselves Out of Business: On Respect, Responsibility, and Dialogue in Dispute Resolution, Jonathan R. Cohen
A Different Sort of Justice: The Informal Courts of Public Opinion in Antebellum South Carolina, Elizabeth Dale
From Genes, Marriage and Money to Nurture: Redefining Fatherhood, Nancy E. Dowd
Law, Culture, and Family: The Transformative Power of Culture and the Limits of Law, Nancy E. Dowd
Diversity Matters: Race, Gender and Ethnicity in Legal Education., Nancy E. Dowd, Kenneth B. Nunn, and Jane E. Pendergast
The Symbols of Governance: Thurman Arnold and Post-Realist Legal Theory, Mark Fenster
Building an Environmental Ethic from the Ground Up, Alyson C. Flournoy
In Search of an Environmental Ethic, Alyson C. Flournoy
Approaches to Statutory Interpretation and Legislative History in France, Claire M. Germain
Legal Cultures of Latin America and the United States: Conflict or Merger, Michael Wallace Gordon
Building Bridges V—Cubans Without Borders: Mujeres Unidas Por Su Historia, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Familias Sin Fronteras: Mujeres Unidas Por Su Historia, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Glocalizing Law and Culture: Towards a Cross-Constitutive Paradigm, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Restricting the Flow of Funds from U.S. Charities to International Terrorist Organizations - A Proposal, Mindy Herzfeld
Privacy Rights Versus FOIA Disclosure Policy: The "Uses and Effects" Double Standard in Access to Personally-Identifiable Information in Government Records, Michael Hoefges, Martin E. Halstuk, and Bill F. Chamberlin
Coaches' Liability for Athletes' Injuries and Deaths, Thomas R. Hurst and James N. Knight
Factless Jurisprudence, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
"Unexplainable on Grounds Other Than Race": The Inversion of Privilege and Subordination in Equal Protection Jurisprudence, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
The Antitrust Implications of Collaborative Standard Setting by Insurers Regarding the Use of Genetic Information in Life Insurance Underwriting, Robert H. Jerry II
The Environmental Commerce Clause, Christine A. Klein
State Action and the Meaning of Agreement Under Sherman Act: An Approach to Hybrid Restraints, John E. Lopatka and William H. Page
Did Privacy Cause Identity Theft?, Lynn M. LoPucki
The Nature of the Bankrupt Firm: A Response to Baird and Rasmussen's "The End of Bankruptcy", Lynn M. LoPucki
"Voluntary" Interviews and Airport Searchers of Middle Eastern Men: The Fourth Amendment in a Time of Terror, Tracey Maclin
LatCritical Encounters with Culture, in North-South Frameworks, Pedro A. Malavet
Thurman Arnold's International Antitrust Legacy, William H. Page
Decision-Making in Mediation: The New Old Grid and the New New Grid System, Leonard L. Riskin
Feminist Legal Scholarship: Charting Topics and Authors, 1978-2002, Laura A. Rosenbury
Emotional Segregation: Huckleberry Finn in the Modern Classroom, Sharon E. Rush
Prosecuting Martha: Federal Prosecutorial Power and the Need for a Law of Counts, Michael L. Seigel and Christopher Slobogin
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2002, Ira B. Shepard and Martin J. McMahon Jr.
Submissions from 2002
A Whirlwind Tour of the Internal Revenue Code's At-Risk and Passive Activity Loss Rules, Boris I. Bittker, Martin J. McMahon Jr., and Lawrence A. Zelenak
Panel: Ethical Dilemmas: Finding Common Ground on Controversial Issues, Lesley Blackner, Richard C. Foltz, Brion Blackwelder, Lisa C. Schiavinato, and Alyson C. Flournoy
Estate Tax Repeal: Through the Looking Glass, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
DR Ethics Book Brings It All Together, Jonathan R. Cohen
Legislating Apology: The Pros and Cons, Jonathan R. Cohen
The Role of the Administrator in Instructional Technology Policy, Philip T.K. Daniel and Jason P. Nance
Fixing Florida's Execution Lien Law Part Two: Florida's New Judgment Lien on Personal Property, Jeffrey Davis
Remembering Harry Bitner: Law Librarian, Professor, and Wonderful Colleague, Claire M. Germain
Euclid Lives: The Survival of Progressive Jurisprudence, Charles M. Haara and Michael Allan Wolf
LatCritical Perspectives: Individual Liberties, State Security, and the War on Terrorism, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Out of the Shadows: Traversing the Imaginary of Sameness, Difference, and Relationalism - A Human Rights Proposal, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Proceedings of the Third Annual Legal & Policy Issues in the Americas Conference (2002) -- V. THE EXPORT OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES AND AGRICULTURE PRODUCTS IN CUBA -- D. Cuban Economic Relations, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Dissecting Axes of Subordination: The Need for a Structural Analysis, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
New Complexity Theories: From Theoretical Innovation to Doctrinal Reform, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Progressive Race Blindness?: Individual Identity, Group Politics, and Reform, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Insurance, Terrorism, and 9/11: Reflections on Three Threshold Questions, Robert H. Jerry II
May Harvey Rest in Peace: Lakin v. Postal Life and Casualty Company, Robert H. Jerry II
A Background History of Directional Drilling in Michigan, Christine A. Klein
Preserving Monumental Landscapes Under the Antiquities Act, Christine A. Klein
Brandenburg and the United States' War on Incitement Abroad: Defending a Double Standard, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Human Identification Theory and the Identity Theft Problem, Lynn M. LoPucki
The Politics of Research Access to Federal Court Data, Lynn M. LoPucki
Toward a Trademark-Based Liability System, Lynn M. LoPucki
Why are Delaware and New York Bankruptcy Reorganizations Failing?, Lynn M. LoPucki and Joseph W. Doherty
Katz, Kyllo, and Technology: Virtual Fourth Amendment Protection in the Twenty-First Century, Tracey Maclin
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie: Why the Supreme Court Should Leave Fourth Amendment History Unabridged, Tracey Maclin
Reparations Theory and Postcolonial Puerto Rico: Some Preliminary Thoughts, Pedro A. Malavet
Rehnquist's Vietnam: Constitutional Separatism and the Stealth Advance of Martial Law, Diane H. Mazur
Florida on Trial: Federalism in the 2000 Presidential Election, Jon L. Mills
I. Opening Remarks (Proceedings of the Third Annual Legal & Policy Issues in the Americas Conference), Jon L. Mills
International Intellectual Property, Access to Health Care, and Human Rights: South Africa v. United States, Winston P. Nagan
Reflections on Racism and World Order, Winston P. Nagan
Race, Crime and the Pool of Surplus Criminality: Or Why the "War on Drugs" Was a "War on Blacks", Kenneth B. Nunn
The Child as Other: Race and Differential Treatment in the Juvenile Justice System, Kenneth B. Nunn
The Contemplative Lawyer: On the Potential Contributions of Mindfulness Meditation to Law Students, Lawyers, and Their Clients, Leonard L. Riskin
Identity Matters, Sharon E. Rush
The Anticanonical Lesson of Huckleberry Finn, Sharon E. Rush
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2001, Ira B. Shepard and Martin J. McMahon Jr.
A History of Race and Gender at the University of Florida Levin College of Law 1909-2001, Betty W. Taylor
From Punch Cards to Smart Cards: A History of the Technology at the Levin College of Law, Betty W. Taylor
Environmental Damages and Crimes, Jeffry S. Wade, Rafael González Ballar, Fernando C. Walcacer, José Rubens Morato Leite, and Marcelo Buzaglo Dantas
Earning Deference: Reflections on the Merger of Environmental and Land-Use Law, Michael Allan Wolf
The Crisis of Child Custody: A History of the Birth of Family Law in England, Danaya C. Wright
Submissions from 2001
Integrating Water Management and Land Use Planning: Uncovering the Missing Link in the Protection of Florida's Water Resources?, Mary Jane Angelo
Integrating Water Management and Land Use Planning: Uncovering the Missing Link in the Protection of Florida’s Water Resources?, Mary Jane Angelo
Exalting the Corporate Form over Environmental Protection the Corporate Shell Game and the Enforcement of Water Management Law in Florida, Mary Jane Angelo, Charles Lobdell, and Tara Boonstra
Bargaining for Loyalty in the Information Age: A Reconsideration of the Role of Substantive Fairness in Enforcing Employee Noncompetes, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Death Without Taxes?, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
Privitizing Social Security: Administration and Implementation, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
Holistic Lawyering, Jonathan R. Cohen
When People are the Means: Negotiating with Respect, Jonathan R. Cohen
Teaching Torts Without Insurance: A Second-Best Solution, David A. Fischer and Robert H. Jerry II
Implementing a Community-Based Social Marketing Project to Improve Agricultural Worker Health, Joan D. Flocks, Leslie Clarke, Stan Albrecht, Carol Bryant, Paul Monaghan, and Holly Baker
Reconceptualizing the Expert Witness: Social Costs, Current Controls and Proposed Responses, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Crossing Borderlands of Inequality with International Legal Methodologies - The Promise of Multiple Feminisms, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Latinas, Culture and Human Rights: A Model for Making Change, Saving Soul, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
On Becoming the Other: Cubans, Castro, and Elian -- A LatCritical Analysis, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol