Submissions from 2008
Researching Initiatives and Referendums: A Guide for Florida, Elizabeth Outler
China's Competition Policy Reforms: The Anti-Monopoly Law and Beyond, Bruce M. Owen, Su Sun, and Wentong Zheng
Bargaining in the Shadow of the European Microsoft Decision: The Microsoft-Samba Protocol License, William H. Page and Seldon J. Childers
Toward a Vibrant Peruvian Middle Class: Effects of the Peru-United States Free Trade Agreement on Labor Rights, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Populations, Stephen J. Powell and Paola A. Chavarro
Corporate Ethics, Agency, and the Theory of the Firm, Robert J. Rhee
Tort Arbitrage, Robert J. Rhee
Is That All There Is? "The Problem" in Court-Oriented Mediation, Leonard L. Riskin and Nancy A. Welsh
Rights and Realities, Laura A. Rosenbury
Eroding Long-Term Prospects for Florida’s Beaches: Florida’s Coastal Construction Control Line Program, Thomas K. Ruppert
Whither Sexual Orientation Analysis?: The Proper Methodology When Due Process and Equal Protection Intersect, Sharon E. Rush
Corporate America Fights Back: The Battle over Waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege, Michael L. Seigel
Order Without (Enforceable) Law: Why Countries Enter into Non-Enforceable Competition Policy Chapters in Free Trade Agreements, D. Daniel Sokol
The Original Meaning of "Unusual": The Eighth Amendment as a Bar to Cruel Innovation, John F. Stinneford
The Evolution Of “FReD”: Family Responsibilities Discrimination And Developments In The Law Of Stereotyping And Implicit Bias, Joan C. Williams and Stephanie Bornstein
William Faulkner, Legal Commentator: Humanity and Endurance in Hollywood's Yoknapatawpha, Michael Allan Wolf
The Shifting Sands of Property Rights, Federal Railroad Grants, and Economic History: Hash v. United States and the Threat to Rail-Trail Conversions, Danaya C. Wright
Submissions from 2007
A Tribute to Chief Justice James R. Zazzali: More than a 'Caretaker', Gregory L. Acquaviva, Jonathan L. Marshfield, and David Stauss
Regulating Evolution for Sale: An Evolutionary Biology Model for Regulating the Unnatural Selection of Genetically Modified Organisms, Mary Jane Angelo
Incorporating Emergy Synthesis into Environmental Law: An Integration of Ecology, Economics, and Law, Mary Jane Angelo and Mark T. Brown
Cubewrap Contracts: The Rise of Delayed Term, Standard Form Employment Agreements, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Public Law and Private Process: Toward an Incentivized Organizational Justice Model of Equal Employment Quality for Caregivers, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Social Security and Government Deficits: When Should We Worry?, Neil H. Buchanan
Origins and Evolution of Section 751(b), Karen C. Burke
Taxing Hot Asset Shifts, Karen C. Burke
Social Security Reform: Lessons from Private Pensions, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
Searching For Patterns in the Laws Governing Access to Records and Meetings in the Fifty States by Using Multiple Research Tools, Bill F. Chamberlin, Cristina Popsecu, Michael F. Weigold, and Nissa Laughner
The Legacy of Colonialism: Law and Women's Rights in India, Varsha Chitnis and Danaya C. Wright
Coping with Lasting Social Injustice, Jonathan R. Cohen
Capital Offense: The SEC's Continuing Failure to Address Small Business Financing Concerns, Stuart R. Cohn and Gregory C. Yadley
Terrorism as an Intellectual Problem, Charles W. Collier
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Guidelines for Community Associations: Considerations for Selecting a Landscape Contractor and Writing an Effective Landscaping Contract, Adam Dale, Claire Lewis, Esen Momol, Tom Wichman, Don Rainey, John Bossart, C.J. Bain, Jen Marvin, Lynn Barber, Norman Leppla, Gary Knox, and Thomas T. Ankersen
Multiple Parents/Multiple Fathers, Nancy E. Dowd
Coolhunting the Law, Mark Fenster
The Folklore of Legal Biography, Mark Fenster
The Takings Clause, Version 2005: The Legal Process of Constitutional Property Rights, Mark Fenster
Legal Information Management in a Global and Digital Age: Revolution and Tradition, Claire M. Germain
Trademark Law and Status Signaling: Tattoos for the Privileged, Jeffrey L. Harrison
María Lugones's Work as a Human Rights Idea(l), Berta E. Hernández-Truyol and Mariana Ribeiro
María Lugone's Work as a Human Rights Idea(l), Berta E. Hernández-Truyol and Mariana Ribeiro
Institutional Academic Freedom or Autonomy Grounded upon the First Amendment: A Jurisprudential Mirage, Richard H. Hiers
Majority Politics and Race Based Remedies, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Reflections on Leadership, Robert H. Jerry II
An Administrative "Death Sentence" for Asylum Seekers: Deprivation of Due Process Under 8 U.S.C. § 1158(d)(6)'s Frivolousness Standard, E. Lea Johnston
The New Nuisance: An Antidote to Wetland Loss, Sprawl, and Global Warming, Christine A. Klein
Mississippi River Stories: Lessons From A Century of Unnatural Disasters, Christine A. Klein and Sandra B. Zellmer
National Interests, Foreign Injuries, and Federal Forum Non Conveniens, Elizabeth T. Lear
Authorship, Audiences, and Anonymous Speech, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky and Thomas F. Cotter
Medium-Specific Regulation of Attorney Advertising: A Critique, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky and Tera Jckowski Peterson
Palsgraf Revisited (Again), Joseph W. Little
Safe from Sex Offenders? Legislating Internet Publication of Sex Offender Registries, Christina Locke and Bill F. Chamberlin
The Spearing Tool Filing System Disaster, Lynn M. LoPucki
Bankruptcy Fire Sales, Lynn M. LoPucki and Joseph W. Doherty
Taxing Risk: An Approach to Variable Insurance Reform, Charlene Luke
Claims Under the Administrative Procedure Act Before the Court of International Trade — A General Overview and Analysis of Significant Recent Jurisprudence, Mark A. Moran and Wentong Zheng
Communications Theory and World Public Order: The Anthropomorphic, Jurisprudential Foundations of International Human Rights, Winston P. Nagan and Craig Hammer
Protecting Students from Abuse: Public School District Liability for Student Sexual Abuse Under State Child Abuse Reporting Laws, Jason P. Nance and Philip T.K. Daniel
Communication and Concerted Action, William H. Page
Workable Antitrust Remedies, William H. Page
Software Development as an Antitrust Remedy: Lessons from the Enforcement of the Microsoft Communications Protocol Licensing Requirement, William H. Page and Seldon J. Childers
When Lawyers Move Their Lips: Attorney Truthfulness in Mediation and a Modest Proposal, Donald C. Peters
Should or Must?: Nature of the Obligation of States to Use Trade Instruments for the Advancement of Environmental, Labour, and Other Human Rights, Stephen J. Powell
The Effect of Risk on Legal Valuation, Robert J. Rhee
The Socratic Method and the Mathematical Heuristic of George Pólya, Robert J. Rhee
Eleven Big Ideas About Conflict: A Superficial Guide for the Thoughtful Journalist, Leonard L. Riskin
Between Home and School, Laura A. Rosenbury
Friends with Benefits, Laura A. Rosenbury
Saving Trade Secret Disclosures on the Internet Through Sequential Preservation, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Introducing a Takedown for Trade Secrets on the Internet, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2006, Ira B. Shepard and Martin J. McMahon Jr.
Globalization of Law Firms: A Survey of the Literature and a Research Agenda for Further Study, D. Daniel Sokol
Monopolists without Borders: The Institutional Challenge of International Antitrust in a Global Gilded Age, D. Daniel Sokol
Law Firms as Defendants: Family Responsibilities Discrimination in Legal Workplaces, Joan C. Williams, Stephanie Bornstein, Diana Reddy, and Betsy A. Williams
Looking Backward: Richard Epstein Ponders the “Progressive” Peril, Michael Allan Wolf
Have You Seen the New Library Bar?: Designing a Legal Research Toolbar, Jennifer L. Wondracek
Submissions from 2006
Embracing Uncertainty, Complexity, and Change: An Eco-pragmatic Reinvention of a First-Generation Environmental Law, Mary Jane Angelo
Tierra y Libertad: The Social Function Doctrine and Land Reform in Latin America, Thomas T. Ankersen and Thomas Ruppert
Defending the Polygon: The Emerging Human Right to Communal Property, Thomas T. Ankersen and Thomas K. Ruppert
Down to the Wire: Assessing the Constitutionality of the National Security Agency's Warrantless Wiretapping Program: Exit the Rule of Law, Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr. and Robert B. Shaw
Is it Sometimes Good to Run Budget Deficits? If so, Should We Admit It (Out Loud)?, Neil H. Buchanan
The Case Against Income Averaging, Neil H. Buchanan
Lipstick, Light Beer, and Backloaded Savings Accounts, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
Judaism without Ordinary Law: Toward a Broader View of Sanctification, Jonathan R. Cohen
A Consent Theory of Unconscionability: An Empirical Study of Law in Action, Larry A. DiMatteo and Bruce L. Rich
Parentage at Birth: Birthfathers and Social Fatherhood, Nancy E. Dowd
Regulating Land Use in a Constitutional Shadow: The Institutional Contexts of Exactions, Mark Fenster
The Opacity of Transparency, Mark Fenster
School Discipline 101: Students' Due Process Rights in Expulsion Hearings, Melissa Frydman and Shani M. King
AALL's National Advocacy Efforts, Claire M. Germain
Exciting Education Summit News, Claire M. Germain
Partnering with Decision Makers in Your Institution, Claire M. Germain
Visit to Puerto Rico, Claire M. Germain
Mexican Law, Michael W. Gordon
An Instrumental Theory of Market Power and Antitrust Policy, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Post-Tenure Scholarship and Its Implications, Jeffrey L. Harrison
On Disposable People and Human Well-Being: Health, Money and Power, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Beyond the First Decade: A Forward-Looking History of LatCrit Theory, Community and Praxis, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol, Angela Harris, and Francisco Valdés
Sexual Labor and Human Rights, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol and Jane E. Larson
Children and Immigration: International, Local, and Social Responsibilities, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol and Justin Luna
Loyalty's Reward — A Felony Conviction: Recent Prosecutions of High-Status Female Offenders, Michelle S. Jacobs