Submissions from 1997
Should the Secured Credit Carve Out Apply Only in Bankruptcy? A Systems/Strategic Analysis, Lynn M. LoPucki
Virtual Judgment Proofing: A Rejoinder, Lynn M. LoPucki
The Complexity of the Fourth Amendment: A Historical Review, Tracey Maclin
The Role of United States Trade Laws in Resolving the Florida-Mexico Tomato Conflict, Stephen J. Powell and Mark A. Barnett
Diversity: The Red Herring of Equal Protection, Sharon E. Rush
The Heart of Equal Protection: Education and Race, Sharon E. Rush
Submissions from 1996
Florida's Troubled Phosphate Companies: Can Bankruptcy Law Be Used to Relieve Their Obligation to Reclaim the Land?, Mary Jane Angelo
Ecosystem Management and the Everglades: A Legal and Institutional Analysis, Thomas T. Ankersen and Richard Hamann
Corporate Natural Law: The Dominance of Justice in a Codified World, Stuart R. Cohn
Bridging the Gap Between the Rules of Evidence and Justice for Victims of Domestic Violence, Lisa Marie De Sanctis
Preserving Dynamic Systems: Wetlands, Ecology and Law, Alyson C. Flournoy
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Guide to Research and Literature, Claire M. Germain
Internet for Legal Information: The U.S. Experience, Claire M. Germain, Patricia G. Court, Jean Wenger, and Scott Childs
Building Bridges: Bringing International Human Rights Home, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Natives, Newcomers and Nativism: A Human Rights Model for the Twenty-First Century, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Women's Rights as Human Rights - Rules, Realities and the Role of Culture: A Formula for Reform, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Reverence for Life and Environmental Ethics in Biblical Law and Covenant, Richard H. Hiers
Legal Culture, Legal Strategy, and the Law in Lawyers' Heads, Lynn M. LoPucki
The Death of Liability, Lynn M. LoPucki
Informants and the Fourth Amendment: A Reconsideration, Tracey Maclin
Sex, Lies, and Genetic Testing: What are Your Rights to Privacy in Florida?, Jon L. Mills
Understanding Mediators' Orientations, Strategies, and Techniques: A Grid for the Perplexed, Leonard L. Riskin
Beyond Admissions: Racial Equality in Law Schools, Sharon E. Rush
Books vs. Non-Book Information, Betty W. Taylor
Submissions from 1995
Resolving Property Claims in a Post-Socialist Cuba, Kern Alexander and Jon L. Mills
The New Logic of Affirmative Action, Charles W. Collier
Rethinking Adversariness in Nonjury Criminal Trials, Sean Doran, John D. Jackson, and Michael L. Seigel
Concluding Remarks - Making Women Visible: Setting an Agenda for the Twenty-First Century, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Report of the Conference Rapporteur, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Virtual Equality as Constitutional Reality: An Introduction, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
New Restrictions on Academic Free Speech: Jeffries v. Harleston II, Richard H. Hiers
Contemplating the Successive Prosecution Phenomenon in the Federal System, Elizabeth T. Lear
Defensor Fidei: The Travails of a Post-Realist Formalist, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Why the Debtor's State of Incorporation Should Be the Proper Place for Article 9 Filing: A System Analysis, Lynn M. LoPucki
When Juries Meet the Press: Rethinking the Jury's Representative Function in Highly Publicized Cases, Kenneth B. Nunn
Sexual Orientation: A Plea for Inclusion, Sharon E. Rush
Submissions from 1994
Mesoamerican Biological Corridor: The Legal Framework for an Integrated, Regional System of Protected Areas, Thomas T. Ankersen
The Descent of Political Theory and the Limitations of Legal Tolerance, Charles W. Collier
Building Bridges - Latinas and Latinos at the Crossroads: Realities, Rhetoric and Replacement, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Out in Left Field: Cuba’s Post-Cold War Strikeout, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Double Jeopardy, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, and the Subsequent-Prosecution Dilemma, Elizabeth T. Lear
Reorganization Realities, Methodological Realities, and the Paradigm Dominance Game, Lynn M. LoPucki
When the Cure for the Fourth Amendment is Worse than the Disease, Tracey Maclin
'If Black Is So Special, Then Why Isn't It in the Rainbow?', Sharon E. Rush
A Pragmatic Critique of Modern Evidence Scholarship, Michael L. Seigel
Pragmatism Applied: Imagining a Solution to the Problem of Court Congestion, Michael L. Seigel
Submissions from 1993
Interdisciplinary Legal Scholarship in Search of a Paradigm, Charles W. Collier
Liberty vs. Equality: In Defense of Privileged White Males, Nancy E. Dowd
Beyond the Spotted Owl Problem: Learning from the Old-Growth Controversy, Alyson C. Flournoy
The Scholar's Workstation Now a Reality! Enhancing Faculty Information Access and Delivery, Claire M. Germain
RIP to IRP - Money Laundering and Drug Trafficking Controls Score a Knockout Victory over Bank Secrecy, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Transfer of Property by Inheritance and Bequest in Biblical Law and Tradition, Richard H. Hiers
Is Conviction Irrelevant?, Elizabeth T. Lear
The Trouble with Chapter 11, Lynn M. LoPucki
Corporate Governance in the Bankruptcy Reorganization of Large, Publicly Held Companies, Lynn M. LoPucki and William C. Whitford
Patterns in the Bankruptcy Reorganization of Large Publicly Held Companies, Lynn M. LoPucki and William C. Whitford
The Central Meaning of the Fourth Amendment, Tracey Maclin
Will Substitutes under the Revised Uniform Probate Code, Grayson M.P. McCouch
Rights Held Hostage: Race, Ideology and the Peremptory Challenge, Kenneth B. Nunn
Submissions from 1992
Intellectual Authority and Institutional Authority, Charles W. Collier
Intrusion and the Investigative Reporter, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
University of Florida Introduces New Electronic Reference Room, Rosalie M. Sanderson and Betty W. Taylor
Rationalizing Hearsay: A Proposal for a Best Evidence Hearsay Rule, Michael L. Seigel
Submissions from 1991
Cultural Critique and Legal Change, Charles W. Collier
The Use and Abuse of Humanistic Theory in Law: Reexamining the Assumptions of Interdisciplinary Legal Scholarship, Charles W. Collier
To Bear or Not to Bear: Reproductive Freedom as an International Human Right, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Venue Choice and Forum Shopping in the Bankruptcy Reorganization of Large, Publicly Held Companies, Lynn M. LoPucki and William C. Whitford
"Black and Blue Encounters" Some Preliminary Thoughts About Fourth Amendment Seizures: Should Race Matter?, Tracey Maclin
The Represented Client in a Settlement Conference: The Lessons of G. Heileman Brewing Co. V. Joseph Oat Corp., Leonard L. Riskin
Submissions from 1990
Bargaining Over Equity's Share in the Bankruptcy Reorganization of Large, Publicly Held Companies, Lynn M. LoPucki
Seeing the Constitution from the Backseat of a Police Squad Car, Tracey Maclin
Current Administration of U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws: Implications for Prospective U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Talks, Stephen J. Powell, Craig R. Giesse, and Craig L. Jackson
Submissions from 1989
Tax Treatment of Employment-Related Personal Injury Awards: The Need for Limits, J. Martin Burke and Michael K. Friel
Moving into Management from Within, Claire M. Germain
Submissions from 1988
Precedent and Legal Authority: A Critical History, Charles W. Collier
Submissions from 1987
A Model Wetlands Protection Ordinance: Legal Considerations, Mary Jane Angelo
An Aggregate Approach to Indirect Exchanges of Partnership Interests: Reconciling Section 1031 and Subchapter K, Karen C. Burke
The 1987 Legislative Session, Jon L. Mills
Prenatal Caretaking: Limits of State Intervention With and Without Roe, Sharon E. Rush
Submissions from 1986
Genetically Engineered Plant Pesticides: Recent Developments in the EPA's Regulation of Biotechnology, Mary Jane Angelo
Securities Markets for Small Issuers: The Barrier of Federal Solicitation and Advertising Prohibitions, Stuart R. Cohn
The Improper Use of Presumptions in Recent Criminal Law Adjudication, Charles W. Collier
An Overview of Health Law Research and an Annotated Bibliography, Richard A. Danner and Claire M. Germain
Maternity Leave: Taking Sex Differences Into Account, Nancy E. Dowd
The Metamorphosis Of Comparable Worth, Nancy E. Dowd
Egoism, Altruism, and Market Illusions: The Limits of Law and Economics, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Title VII v. Seniority: The Supreme Court Giveth and the Supreme Court Taketh Away, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Submissions from 1985
To Hold or Not to Hold: Magneson, Bolker, and Continuity of Investment under I.R.C. Section 1031, J. Martin Burke and Michael K. Friel
Foreign Experiences toward the Development of a National Legal Information Center, Claire M. Germain
The Warren and Burger Courts on State, Parent, and Child Conflict Resolution: A Comparative Analysis and Proposed Methodology, Sharon E. Rush
Submissions from 1984
An Uneasy Relationship Between the Bankruptcy Reform Act and the Uniform Commercial Code: Delayed and Continued Perfection of Security Interests, George L. Dawson
Domestic Relations Law: Federal Jurisdiction and State Sovereignty in Perspective, Sharon E. Rush
Submissions from 1983
Demise of the Director's Duty of Care: Judicial Avoidance of Standards and Sanctions Through the Business Judgment Rule, Stuart R. Cohn
AALL Institute on International Law and Business, Claire M. Germain and George S. Grossman
Submissions from 1982
Current Research Sources in French Law, Claire M. Germain
General Theory of the Dynamics of the State Remedies/Bankruptcy System, Lynn M. LoPucki
Submissions from 1981
Tender Offers and the Sale of Control: An Analogue to Determine the Validity of Target Management Defense Measures, Stuart R. Cohn
Submissions from 1980
European Community Law- A Selective Bibliography of Publications in English, French and German with Annotations, Claire M. Germain
The Librarian Fellowship Program at the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Private Law in Hamburg, West Germany, Claire M. Germain