Submissions from 2010
Fiduciary Exemption for Public Necessity: Shareholder Profit, Public Good, and the Hobson's Choice during a National Crisis, Robert J. Rhee
The Decline of Investment Banking: Preliminary Thoughts on the Evolution of the Industry 1996-2008, Robert J. Rhee
Sex in and out of Intimacy, Laura A. Rosenbury and Jennifer E. Rothman
Striking a Balance: When Should Trade-Secret Law Shield Disclosures to the Government?, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Protecting the Dignity and Equality of Children: The Importance of Integrated Schools, Sharon E. Rush
An Unsettling Outcome: Why the Florida Supreme Court Was Wrong to Ban All Settlement Evidence in Saleeby v Rocky Elson Construction, Inc., 3 So. 3d 1078 (Fla. 2009), Michael L. Seigel, Robert J. Hauser, and Allison D. Sirica
Antitrust, Institutions, and Merger Control, D. Daniel Sokol
Designing Antitrust Agencies for More Effective Outcomes: What Antitrust Can Learn from Restaurant Guides, D. Daniel Sokol
Law and Development: The Way Forward or Just Stuck in the Same Place?, D. Daniel Sokol
Climate Change Under NEPA: Avoiding Cursory Consideration of Greenhouse Gases, Amy L. Stein
State Fish Stocking Programs at Risk: Takings Under the Endangered Species Act, Amy L. Stein
Equal Protection and Aesthetic Zoning: A Possible Crack and a Preemptive Repair, Louis G. Tassinary, Dawn E. Jourdan, and Russ Parsons
Technical Correction or Tectonic Shift: Competing Default Rule Theories Under the New Uniform Probate Code, Lee-ford Tritt
The Pitfalls of the (Perfect) Market Benchmark: The Case of Countervailing Duty Law, Wentong Zheng
Transplanting Antitrust in China: Economic Transition, Market Structure, and State Control, Wentong Zheng
Submissions from 2009
Stumbling Toward Success: A Story of Adaptive Law and Ecological Resilience, Mary Jane Angelo
Enhanced Water Quality Protection in Florida: An Analysis of the Regulatory and Practical Significance of an Outstanding Florida Water Designation, Thomas T. Ankersen, Richard Hamann, Rachel King, Megan Wegerif, and John November
Employment as Transaction, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Insider Trading in Congress: The Need for Regulation, Matthew Barbabella, Daniel Cohen, Alex Kardon, and Peter Molk
Four out of Four Panelists Agree: U.S. Fiscal Policy Does Not Cheat Future Generations, Neil H. Buchanan
What Do We Owe Future Generations?, Neil H. Buchanan
Phases and Faces of the Duke Lacrosse Controversy: A Conversation, James E. Coleman Jr., Angela Davis, Michael Gerhardt, K. C. Johnson, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky, and Howard M. Wasserman
Foreword - A Dedication to Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, Nancy E. Dowd
The Stubborn Incoherence of Regulatory Takings, Mark Fenster
Pesticide Policy and Farmworker Health, Joan D. Flocks
Protecting a Natural Resource Legacy While Promoting Reslience: Can it be Done?, Alyson C. Flournoy
Happiness, Efficiency, and the Promise of Decisional Equity: From Outcome to Process, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Embargo or Blockade? The Legal and Moral Dimensions of the U.S. Economic Sanctions on Cuba, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Racial Exhaustion, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Sexual Politics and Social Change, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Social Movements and Judging: An Essay on Institutional Reform Litigation and Desgregation in Dallas, Texas, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Setting the Standard: A Critique of Bonnie's Competency Standard and the Potential of Problem-Solving Theory for Self-Representation at Trial, E. Lea Johnston
Wal-Mart in the Garden District: Does the Arbitrary and Capricious Standard of Review in NEPA Cases Undermine Citizen Participation?, Dawn E. Jourdan and Kevin Gifford
Challenging MonoHumanism: An Argument for Changing the Way We Think About Intercountry Adoption, Shani M. King
The Environmental Deficit: Applying Lessons from the Economic Recession, Christine A. Klein
Modernizing Water Law: The Example of Florida, Christine A. Klein, Mary Jane Angelo, and Richard Hamann
Federalism, Forum Shopping, and the Foreign Injury Paradox, Elizabeth T. Lear
Anonymity in Cyberspace: What Can We Learn from John Doe?, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Undressing the CEO: Disclosing Private, Material Matters of Public Company Executives, Tom C.W. Lin
Police Interrogation during Traffic Stops: More Questions than Answers, Tracey Maclin
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2008, Martin J. McMahon Jr., Ira B. Shepard, and Daniel L. Simmons
Whither Communism: A Comparative Perspective on Constitutionalism in a Postsocialist Cuba, Jon L. Mills and Daniel Ryan Koslosky
Find It Fast and Free: An Update on Florida and Federal Research on the Internet, Patricia Morgan
National Security Policy and Ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, Winston P. Nagan and Erin K. Slemmens
The Gary Dinners and the Meaning of Concerted Action, William H. Page
Measuring Compliance with Compulsory Licensing Remedies in the American Microsoft Case, William H. Page and Seldon J. Childers
Health and Reproductive Rights in the Protocol to the African Charter: Competing Influences and Unsettling Questions, Rachel Rebouché
The Madoff Scandal, Market Regulatory Failure and the Business Education of Lawyers, Robert J. Rhee
Toward Procedural Optionality: Private Ordering of Public Adjudication, Robert J. Rhee
Awareness and Ethics in Dispute Resolution and Law: Why Mindfulness Tends to Foster Ethical Behavior, Leonard L. Riskin
Contributory Negligence, Technology, and Trade Secrets, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Technology and Intellectual Property: New Rules for an Old Game?, Elizabeth A. Rowe
A Sociological Approach to Misappropriation, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Trade Secret Litigation and Free Speech: Is It Time to Restrain the Plaintiffs?, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Measuring the Value of Collegiality Among Law Professors, Michael L. Seigel and Kathi Miner-Rubino
The Future of International Antitrust and Improving Antitrust Agency Capacity, D. Daniel Sokol
Competition Policy and Comparative Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, D. Daniel Sokol
Limiting Anticompetitive Government Interventions that Benefit Special Interests, D. Daniel Sokol
Sperms and Estates: An Unadulterated Functionally Based Approach to Parent-Child Property Succession, Lee-ford Tritt
A Malthusian Analysis of the So-Called Dynasty Trust, William J. Turnier and Jeffrey L. Harrison
Providing Meaningful Judicial Review of Municipal Redevelopment Designations: Redevelopment in New Jersey Before and After Gallenthin Realty Development, Inc. v. Borough of Paulsboro, James R. Zazzali and Jonathan L. Marshfield
Submissions from 2008
Harnessing the Power of Science in Environmental Law: Why We Should, Why We Don't, and How We Can, Mary Jane Angelo
The Killing Fields: Reducing the Casualties in the Battle Between U.S. Species Protection Law and U.S. Pesticide Law, Mary Jane Angelo
Charitable Deductions for Rail-Trail Conversions: Reconciling the Partial Interest Rule and the National Trails System Act, Scott Andrew Bowman and Danaya C. Wright
The Non-Sense Tax: A Reply to New Corporate Income Tax Advocacy, Yariv Brauner
Value in the Eye of the Beholder: The Valuation of Intangibles for Transfer Pricing Purposes, Yariv Brauner
Is the Corporate Tax System "Broken"?, Karen C. Burke
COBRA Strikes Back: Anatomy of a Tax Shelter, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
Turning Slogans Into Tax Policy, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
Presidential Debates and Deliberative Democracy, Charles W. Collier
Death or Transformation? Educational Autonomy in the Roberts Court, Elizabeth Dale
Employee Speech & Management Rights: A Counterintuitive Reading of Garcetti v. Ceballos, Elizabeth Dale
People v. Coughlin and Criticisms of the Criminal Jury in Late Nineteenth-Century Chicago, Elizabeth Dale
Florida's Beefed-Up Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors as an Alternative to Bankruptcy, Jeffrey Davis
Boys, Masculinities and Juvenile Justice, Nancy E. Dowd
Masculinities and Feminist Legal Theory, Nancy E. Dowd
Designing Transparency: The 9/11 Commission and Institutional Form, Mark Fenster
Supply, Demand, and Consequences: The Impact of Information Flow on Individual Permitting Decisions Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Alyson C. Flournoy
Harnessing the Power of Information to Protect Our Public Natural Resource Legacy, Alyson C. Flournoy, Heather Halter, and Christina Storz
Sex and Globalization, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
The Gender Bend: Culture, Sex, and Sexuality—A LatCritical Human Rights Map of Latina/o Border Crossings, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Race, Identity, and Professional Responsibility: Why Legal Services Organizations Need African American Staff Attorneys, Shani M. King
Water Transfers: The Case Against Transbasin Diversions in the Eastern States, Christine A. Klein
Cultural Norms as a Source of Law: The Example of Bottled Water, Christine A. Klein and Ling-Yee Huang
Where's the Harm?: Free Speech and the Regulation of Lies, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Algorithmic Entities, Lynn M. LoPucki
Court-System Transparency, Lynn M. LoPucki
Bankruptcy Vérité, Lynn M. LoPucki and Joseph W. Doherty
Risk, Return, and Objective Economic Substance, Charlene Luke
The Good and Bad News About Consent Searches in the Supreme Court, Tracey Maclin
"The Constitution Follows the Flag...but Doesn't Quite Catch Up with It": The Story of Downes v. Bidwell, Pedro A. Malavet
Authorizing Subnational Constitutions in Transitional Federal States: South Africa, Democracy, and the Kwazulu-Natal Constitution, Jonathan L. Marshfield
A Comment on Unification, Grayson M.P. McCouch
Probate Law Reform and Nonprobate Transfers, Grayson M.P. McCouch
The Empty Promise of Estate Tax Repeal, Grayson M.P. McCouch
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2007, Martin J. McMahon Jr., Ira B. Shepard, and Daniel L. Simmons
The Rise of Outsourcing in Modern Warfare : Sovereign Power, Private Military Actors, and the Constitutive Process, Winston P. Nagan and Craig Hammer
Globalism from an African Perspective: The Training of Lawyers for a New and Challenging Reality, Winston P. Nagan and Marcio Santos
The Law Review Article Selection Process: Results from a National Study, Jason P. Nance and Dylan J. Steinberg
Diversity as a Dead-End, Kenneth B. Nunn