Submissions from 2017
Social Security is Fair to All Generations: Demystifying the Trust Fund, Solvency, and the Promise to Younger Americans, Neil H. Buchanan
Beyond Trademarks and Offense: Tam and the Justices’ Evolution on Free Speech, Clay Calvert
Legislating the First Amendment: A Trio of Recommendations for Lawmakers Targeting Free Expression, Clay Calvert
Can the Undue-Burden Standard add Clarity and Rigor to Intermediate Scrutiny in First Amendment Jurisprudence? A Proposal Cutting Across Constitutional Domains for Time, Place & Manner Regulations, Clay Calvert and Minch Minchin
Indecency Four Years After Fox Television Stations: From Big Papi to a Porn Star, An Egregious Mess at the FCC Continues, Clay Calvert, Minch Minchin, Keran Billaud, Kevin Bruckenstein, and Tershone Phillips
Speech v. Conduct, Surcharges v. Discounts: Testing the Limits of the First Amendment and Statutory Construction in the Growing Credit Card Quagmire, Clay Calvert, Rich Shumate, Stephanie McNeff, and Stephenson Waters
Reining in Internet-Age Expansion of Exemption 7(C): Towards a Tort Law Approach for Ferreting out Legitimate Privacy Concerns and Unwarranted Intrusions Under FOIA, Clay Calvert, Austin Vining, and Sebastian Zarate
John Moore Jr.: Moore v City of East Cleveland and Children's Constitutional Arguments, Nancy E. Dowd
Straight Out of Compton: Developmental Equality and a Critique of the Compton School Litigation, Nancy E. Dowd
Is F.S. §732.703 Susceptible to a Constitutional Challenge by a Former Spouse Whose Claim for Benefits is Denied?, Donna L. Eng and Scott Konopka
The Case for Trauma-Informed, Gender-Specific Prevention/Early Intervention Programming in Reducing Female Juvenile Delinquency in Florida, Joan D. Flocks, Emily Calvin, Simone Chriss, and Marina Prado-Steiman
Beach Law Cleanup: How Sea-Level Rise Has Eroded the Ambulatory Boundaries Legal Framework, Alyson C. Flournoy
Welfare and Federalism's Peril, Andrew Hammond
Moonlighting Sonata: Conflicts, Disclosure and the Scholar/Consultant, Jeffrey L. Harrison and Amy R. Mashburn
Glocalizing Women's Health and Safety: Migration, Work, and Labor, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
The Culture of Gender/The Gender of Culture: Cuban Women, Culture, and Change—The Island and the Diaspora, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Undignified: The Supreme Court, Racial Justice, and Dignity Claims, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
The Violent State: Black Women's Invisible Struggle Against Police Violence, Michelle S. Jacobs
Retributive Justifications for Jail Diversion of Individuals with Mental Disorder, E. Lea Johnston
Mental Health Courts and Sentencing Disparities, E. Lea Johnston and Conor P. Flynn
Owning Groundwater: The Example of Mississippi v. Tennessee, Christine A. Klein
Situating the Corporation Within the Vulnerability Paradigm: What Impact Does Corporate Personhood Have on Vulnerability, Dependency, and Resilience, Heather Kolinsky
The Effect of Bankruptcy Stay on a Subsequently Filed Appeal, Heather Kolinsky
Disciplinary Legal Empiricism, Lynn M. LoPucki
The Prophylactic Fifth Amendment, Tracey Maclin
Respecting the Mystery of Constitutional Change, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Fostering Student Authorship, Amy R. Mashburn and Sharon E. Rush
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2016, Martin J. McMahon Jr. and Bruce A. McGovern
How Do LLC Owners Contract Around Default Statutory Protections?, Peter Molk
Student Surveillance, Racial Inequalities, and Implicit Racial Bias, Jason P. Nance
Critical Black Protectionism, Black Lives Matter, and Social Media: Building a Bridge to Social Justice, Katheryn Russell-Brown
Debating Employee Non-Competes and Trade Secrets, Sharon K. Sandeen and Elizabeth A. Rowe
Troubled Waters Between U.S. and European Antitrust, D. Daniel Sokol
Understanding Online Markets and Antitrust Analysis, D. Daniel Sokol and Jingyuan Ma
Breaking Energy Path Dependencies, Amy L. Stein
Sharenting: Children's Privacy in the Age of Social Media, Stacey B. Steinberg
Honoring Probable Intent in Intestacy: An Empirical Assessment of the Default Rules and the Modern Family, Danaya C. Wright and Beth Sterner
Untangling the Market and the State, Wentong Zheng
Submissions from 2016
The Same River Twice: A Brief History of How the 1968 Florida Constitution Came to Be and What it Has Become, Mary E. Adkins
Modifying At-Will Employment Contracts, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Scaling Carnegie: Four Iterations of Teaching Transactional Workplace Law Skills, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Hospital Mergers and Economic Efficiency, Roger D. Blair, Christine Piette Durrance, and D. Daniel Sokol
Unifying Antidiscrimination Law Through Stereotype Theory, Stephanie Bornstein
Treaties in the Aftermath of BEPS, Yariv Brauner
Don't End or Audit the Fed: Central Bank Independence in an Age of Austerity, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Codifying Castle Harbour, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
Protecting the Public from Itself: Paternalism and Irony in Defining Newsworthiness, Clay Calvert
Underinclusivity and the First Amendment: The Legislative Right to Nibble at Problems After Williams-Yulee, Clay Calvert
Fissures, Fractures & Doctrinal Drifts: Paying the Price in First Amendment Jurisprudence for a Half Decade of Avoidance, Minimalism & Partisanship, Clay Calvert and Matthew D. Bunker
Newsgathering Takes Flight in Choppy Skies: Legal Obstacles Affecting Journalistic Drone Use, Clay Calvert, Charles D. Tobin, and Matthew D. Bunker
A Genesis of Conflict: The Zero-Sum Mindset, Jonathan R. Cohen
Black Boys Matter: Developmental Equality, Nancy E. Dowd
Online Defamation: Do Hyperlinks Constitute Republication for Florida Defamation and Trade Libel Claims?, Donna L. Eng, Roy E. Fitzgerald III, and Gregory S. Weiss
Mr. Peabody's Improbable Legal Intellectual History, Mark Fenster
The Dramas of Criminal Law: Thurman Arnold’s Post-Realist Critique of Law Enforcement, Mark Fenster
State Bans on Debtors' Prisons and Criminal Justice Debt, Christopher D. Hampson
The New American Debtors' Prisons, Christopher D. Hampson
A Socio-Economic Approach to Antitrust: Unpacking Competition, Consumer Surplus, and Allocative Efficiency, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Other Markets, Other Costs: Modernizing Antitrust, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Chinese Reception and Transplantation of Western Contract Law, Wang Jingen and Larry A. DiMatteo
Communication and Competence for Self-Representation, E. Lea Johnston
The Shibboleth of Discretion: The Discretion, Identity, and Persecution Paradigm in American and Australian LGBT Asylum Claims, Heather Kolinsky
United States Media Law Update, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky and Rachael Jones
Of Reasonable Readers and Unreasonable Speakers: Libel Law in a Networked World, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky and RonNell Andersen Jones
Dawn of the Discipline-Based Law Faculty, Lynn M. LoPucki
Anthony Amsterdam's Perspectives on the Fourth Amendment, and What It Teaches About the Good and Bad in Rodriguez v. United States, Tracey Maclin
The Right to Silence v. The Fifth Amendment, Tracey Maclin
Unilateral Responses to Tax Treaty Abuse: A Functional Approach, Omri Y. Marian
Amendment Creep, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Improving Amendment, Jonathan L. Marshfield
The Government's Role in Climate Change Insurance, Peter Molk
The Ownership of Health Insurers, Peter Molk
Reregulation and the Regulatory Timeline, Peter Molk and Arden Rowell
LLCs and the Private Ordering of Dispute Resolution, Peter Molk and Verity Winship
Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Tools for Change, Jason P. Nance
Over-Disciplining Students, Racial Bias, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Jason P. Nance
Rethinking Law Enforcement Officers in Schools, Jason P. Nance
Students, Police, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Jason P. Nance
The American Bar Association Joint Task Force on Reversing the School-to-Prison Pipeline Preliminary Report, Sarah E. Redfield and Jason P. Nance
Got Guts? The Iconic Streams of the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Law’s Ephemeral Edge, Jesse Reiblich and Thomas T. Ankersen
RATs, TRAPs, and Trade Secrets, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Teaching Compliance, D. Daniel Sokol
Antitrust and Regulating Big Data, D. Daniel Sokol and Roisin E. Comerford
#Advocacy: Social Media Activism's Power to Transform Law, Stacey B. Steinberg
Moving Forward by Looking Back: The Retroactive Application of Obergefell, Lee-ford Tritt
Exhausting Patents, Wentong Zheng
Trade Law’s Responses to the Rise of China, Wentong Zheng
Submissions from 2015
Diagnosis Dangerous: Why State Licensing Boards Should Step in to Prevent Mental Health Practitioners from Speculating Beyond the Scope of Professional Standards, Jennifer S. Bard
Responding to Requests for Assisted Reproductive Technology Intervention Involving Women Who Cannot Give Consent, Jennifer S. Bard and Lindsay Penrose
Licensing Health Care Professionals, State Action and Antitrust Policy, Roger D. Blair and Christine Piette Durrance
Quality-Enhancing Merger Efficiencies, Roger D. Blair and D. Daniel Sokol
Bilateral Monopoly, Two-Sided Markets, and the E-Books Conspiracy, Roger D. Blair and Wenche Wang
The Moving Target of Tax Reform, Karen C. Burke and Grayson M.P. McCouch
After Obergefell v. Hodges: The Continuing Battle Over Equal Rights for Sexual Minorities in the United States, Simone Chriss and Danaya C. Wright
Keep Securities Reform Moving: Eliminate the SEC's Integration Doctrine, Stuart R. Cohn
Regulating for the First Time the Decision to Grant Consumer Credit: A Look at the First Steps Taken by the United States and Australia, Jeffrey Davis