Submissions from 2015
Contractual Excuse Under the CISG: Impediment, Hardship, and the Excuse Doctrines, Larry A. DiMatteo
Judicial Treatment of the Antitrust Treatise, Hillary Greene and D. Daniel Sokol
Copyright as Contract, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Defects in Consent and Dividing the Benefit of the Bargain: Recent Developments, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Citations, Justifications, and the Troubled State of Legal Scholarship: An Empirical Study, Jeffrey L. Harrison and Amy R. Mashburn
Preventing Balkanization or Facilitating Racial Domination: A Critique of the New Equal Protection, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Modifying Unjust Sentences, E. Lea Johnston
Cost-Effective Juvenile Justice Reform: Lessons From The Just Beginning “Baby Elmo” Teen Parenting Program, Shani M. King, Rachel Barr, and Jennifer Woolard
The Intended Parent: The Power and Problems Inherent in Designating and Determining Intent in the Context of Parental Rights, Heather Kolinsky
Changes in Chapter 11 Success Levels Since 1980, Lynn M. LoPucki
Disciplining Legal Scholarship, Lynn M. LoPucki
Bankruptcy Survival, Lynn M. LoPucki and Joseph W. Doherty
Of More Than Usual Interest: The Taxing Problem of Debt Principal, Charlene Luke
A Comprehensive Analysis of the History of Interrogation Law, with Some Shots Directed at Miranda v. Arizona, Tracey Maclin
Government Analysis of Shed DNA Is a Search under the Fourth Amendment, Tracey Maclin
A Conceptual Framework for the Regulation of Cryptocurrencies, Omri Y. Marian
Home-Country Effects of Corporate Inversions, Omri Y. Marian
Decentralizing the Amendment Power, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Foreign Precedent in State Constitutional Interpretation, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2014, Martin J. McMahon Jr., Bruce A. McGovern, and Ira B. Shepard
State Documents Bibliography: Florida, Shira Megerman and Patricia Morgan
Beyond Ownership: State Capitalism and the Chinese Firm, Curtis J. Milhaupt and Wentong Zheng
Beginning With Yes: A Review Essay on Michael Wheeler's The Art Of Negotiation: How To Improvise Agreement In A Chaotic World, Leonard L. Riskin
Tensions between Antitrust and Industrial Policy, D. Daniel Sokol
Dividing Crime, Multiplying Punishments, John F. Stinneford
Doing a Double Take: Rail-Trail Takings Litigation in The Post-Brandt Trust Era, Danaya C. Wright
Inheritance Equity: Reforming the Inheritance Penalties Facing Children in Non-Traditional Families, Danaya C. Wright
The Revolving Door, Wentong Zheng
Submissions from 2014
Maintaining a Healthy Water Supply While Growing a Healthy Food Supply: Legal Tools For Cleaning Up Agricultural Water Pollution, Mary Jane Angelo and Jon Morris
Whole-System Agricultural Certification: Using Lessons Learned From Leed to Build a Resilient Agricultural System to Adapt to Climate Change, Mary Jane Angelo and Joanna Reilly-Brown
“Antitrust's Least Glorious Hour”: The Robinson-Patman Act, Roger D. Blair and Christina DePasquale
Ecosystem Services Valuation for Estuarine and Coastal Restoration in Florida, Susanna Blair, Carrie Adams, Thomas T. Ankersen, Maia McGuire, and David Kaplan
Rights in Recession: Toward Administrative Antidiscrimination Law, Stephanie Bornstein
What the BEPS, Yariv Brauner
Borrowing By Any Other Name: Why Presidential "Spending Cuts" Would Still Exceed the Debt Ceiling, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Open-Minded Listening, Jonathan R. Cohen
Substantive Due Process by Another Name: Koontz, Exactions, and the Regulatory Takings Doctrine, Mark Fenster
The Implausibility of Secrecy, Mark Fenster
PFICs Gone Wild!, Monica Gianni
The OECD’s Flawed and Dated Approach to Computer Servers Creating Permanent Establishments, Monica Gianni
Deal Deconstructions, Case Studies, and Case Simulations: Toward Practice Readiness with New Pedagogies in Teaching Business and Transactional Law, MIchelle M. Harner and Robert J. Rhee
Teaching LLCs Through a Problem-Based Approach, MIchelle M. Harner and Robert J. Rhee
A Nihilistic View of the Efficient Breach, Jeffrey L. Harrison
The Law and Economics of (Functional) Antitrust Standing in the United States and the European Union, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Culture Clashes: Indigenous Populations and Globalization-The Case of Belo Monte, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Globally Speaking - Honoring the Victims' Stories: Matsuda's Human Rights Praxis, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
"Continually Reminded of Their Inferior Position": Social Dominance, Implicit Bias, Criminality, and Race, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
"Not without Political Power": Gays and Lesbians, Equal Protection, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Conditions of Confinement at Sentencing: The Case of Seriously Disordered Offenders, E. Lea Johnston
Smoke and Mirrors: Model Penal Code § 305.7 and Compassionate Release, E. Lea Johnston
The Ties that Bind: Reevaluating the Role of Legal Presumptions of Paternity, Heather Kolinsky
House Swaps: A Strategic Bankruptcy Solution to the Foreclosure Crisis, Lynn M. LoPucki
Reconciling Tax Law and Securities Regulation, Omri Y. Marian
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2013, Martin J. McMahon Jr., Ira B. Shepard, and Daniel L. Simmons
When Subchapter S Meets Subchapter C, Martin J. McMahon Jr. and Daniel L. Simmons
The Puzzling Lack of Cooperatives, Peter Molk
Stop Me If You’ve Heard This Before: Transitions in teaching legal research, Patricia Morgan
The Struggle for Justice in the Civil Rights March from Selma to Montgomery: The Legacy of the Magna Carta and the Common Law Tradition, Winston P. Nagan
School Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment, Jason P. Nance
An Empirical Analysis of Diversity in the Legal Profession, Jason P. Nance and Paul E. Madsen
Judging Monopolistic Pricing: F/RAND and Antitrust Injury, William H. Page
Climate Change and Water Transfers, Jesse Reiblich and Christine A. Klein
Federal Visions of Private Family Support, Laura A. Rosenbury
Trade Secrets, Trade, and Extraterritoriality, Elizabeth A. Rowe and Daniel M. Mahfood
Occupational Risks and Pregnancy and Infant Health Outcomes in Florida Farmworkers, Jennifer Runkle, Joan D. Flocks, Jeannie Economos, J. Antonio Tovar-Aguilar, and Linda McCauley
Federalism, Diversity, Equality, and Article III Judges: Geography, Identity, and Bias, Sharon E. Rush
The Transformation Of Vertical Restraints: Per Se Illegality, The Rule Of Reason, And Per Se Legality, D. Daniel Sokol
Reconsidering Regulatory Uncertainty: Making a Case for Energy Storage, Amy L. Stein
Death, Desuetude, and Original Meaning, John F. Stinneford
Dispatches from the Trenches of America's Great Gun Trust Wars, Lee-ford Tritt
New Era of Lavish Land Grants: Taking Public Property for Private Use and Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States, Danaya C. Wright
Reliance Interests and Takings Liability for Rail-Trail Conversions: Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States, Danaya C. Wright
Submissions from 2013
Employment Law Inside Out: Using the Problem Method to Teach Workplace Law, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Problems in Sharing the Surplus, Roger D. Blair and Thomas Knight
Welfare Standards in U.S. and E.U. Antitrust Enforcement, Roger D. Blair and D. Daniel Sokol
Bargaining in the Shadow of the Debt Ceiling: When Negotiating Over Spending and Tax Laws, Congress and the President Should Consider the Debt Ceiling a Dead Letter, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Bargaining in the Shadow of the Debt Ceiling: When Negotiating over Spending and Tax Laws, Congress and the President Should Consider the Debt Ceiling a Dead Letter, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Passthrough Entities: The Missing Element in Business Tax Reform, Karen C. Burke
From Opera to Real Democracy: Popular Constitutionalism and Web 2.0, Elizabeth Dale
CISG as Basis of a Comprehensive International Sales Law, Larry A. DiMatteo
Contract Stories: Importance of the Contextual Approach to Law, Larry A. DiMatteo
Book Review: Fifty Years in Family Law: Essays for Stephen Cretney (Rebecca Probert & Chris Barton Eds. 2012), Nancy E. Dowd
Unfinished Equality: The Case of Black Boys, Nancy E. Dowd
What Men?: The Essentialist Error of the End of Men, Nancy E. Dowd
Pretrial Restraint of Assets: Lawful Governmental Interference with the Right to Counsel of Choice?, Donna L. Eng
Wetlands Regulation in an Era of Climate Change: Can Section 404 Meet the Challenge?, Alyson C. Flournoy and Allison Fischman
Worldwide Access to Foreign Law: International and National Developments Toward Digital Authentication, Claire M. Germain
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Hot News: Toward a Functional Approach, Jeffrey L. Harrison and Robyn Shelton
Leadership and Followership, Robert H. Jerry II
Humane Punishment for Seriously Disordered Offenders: Sentencing Departures and Judicial Control over Conditions of Confinement, E. Lea Johnston
Vulnerability and Just Desert: A Theory of Sentencing and Mental Illness, E. Lea Johnston
Vulnerability and Just Desert: A Theory of Sentencing and Mental Illness, E. Lea Johnston
Alone and Unrepresented: A Call to Congress to Provide Counsel for Unaccompanied Minors, Shani M. King
Compartmentalized Thinking and the Clean Water Act, Christine A. Klein
The New Investor, Tom C. W. Lin
Optimizing English and American Security Interests, Lynn M. LoPucki, Arvin I. Abraham, and Bernd P. Delahaye
The Relevance Games: Congress's Choices for Economic Substance Gamemakers, Charlene Luke
Maryland v. King: Terry v. Ohio Redux, Tracey Maclin
Are Cryptocurrencies 'Super' Tax Havens?, Omri Y. Marian