Submissions from 2011
The Law School Firm, Bradley T. Borden and Robert J. Rhee
Good Deficits: Protecting the Public Interest from Deficit Hysteria, Neil H. Buchanan
What Kind of Environment Do We Owe Future Generations?, Neil H. Buchanan
Reframing Economic Substance, Karen C. Burke
Fostering Race-Related Dialogue: Lessons from a Small Seminar, Jonathan R. Cohen
The Path Between Sebastian's Hospitals: Fostering Reconciliation After a Tragedy, Jonathan R. Cohen
Justice, Employment, and The Psychological Contract, Larry A. DiMatteo, Robert C. Bird, and Jason A. Colquitt
Comparative Efficiency in International Sales Law, Larry A. DiMatteo and Daniel Ostas
Three Meta-Lessons Government and Industry Should Learn from the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster and Why They Will Not, Alyson C. Flournoy
Veterans Benefits in 2010: A New Dialogue Between the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit, Paul R. Gugliuzza
The French Jury at a Crossroads, Valerie P. Hans and Claire M. Germain
Regulation, Deregulation, and Happiness, Jeffrey L. Harrison
A Need for Culture Change: GLBT Latinas/os and Immigration, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Narratives of Identity, Nation, and Outsiders within Outsiders: Not Yet a Post-Anything World, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Unsex CEDAW? No! Super-Sex it!, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Ancient Laws, Yet Strangely Modern: Biblical Contract and Tort Jurisprudence, Richard H. Hiers
Comprehensive Seagrass Restoration Planning in Southwest Florida: Science, Law and Management, Althea S. Hotaling, R. Benjamin Lingle, and Thomas T. Ankersen
The Parentless Child's Right to a Permanent Family, Joseph S. Jackson and Lauren G. Fasig
Representational Competence: Defining the Limits of the Right to Self-Representation at Trial, E. Lea Johnston
The Family Law Canon in a (Post?) Racial Era, Shani M. King
The Dormant Commerce Clause and Water Export: Toward A New Analytical Paradigm, Christine A. Klein
Government Sponsored Social Media and Public Forum Doctrine Under the First Amendment: Perils and Pitfalls, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Incendiary Speech and Social Media, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Public Forum 2.0, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
A Behavioral Framework for Securities Risk, Tom C.W. Lin
The Corporate Governance of Iconic Executives, Tom C.W. Lin
What Would Henry Simons Do?: Using An Ideal to Shape and Explain the Economic Substance Doctrine, Charlene Luke
Framing the Fourth, Tracey Maclin and Julia Mirabella
Federalism and Political Competition in Emerging Democracies, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Models of Subnational Constitutionalism, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Making Civility Democratic, Amy R. Mashburn
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2010, Martin J. McMahon Jr., Ira B. Shepard, and Daniel L. Simmons
The R-Word: A Tribute to Derrick Bell, Kenneth B. Nunn
Protecting Equine Rescue from Being Put Out to Pasture: Whether Ranches Dedicated to Abused, Abandoned, and Aging Horses May Qualify for "Agricultural" Classifications Under Florida's Greenbelt Law, Michael T. Olexa, Joshua A. Cossey, and Katherine A. Smallwood
Is the WTO Quietly Fading Away?: The New Regionalism and Global Trade Rules, Stephen J. Powell and Trisha Low
Global Laws, Local Lives: Impact of the New Regionalism on Human Rights Compliance, Stephen J. Powell and Patricia Camino Pérez
Parental Involvement Laws and New Governance, Rachel Rebouché
The Limits of Reproductive Rights in Improving Women's Health, Rachel Rebouché
On Legal Education and Reform: One View Formed from Diverse Perspectives, Robert J. Rhee
Ethical Issues in Business and The Lawyer's Role, Robert J. Rhee, Carol Morgan, Tamar Frankel, and Mark Fagan
Working Relationships, Laura A. Rosenbury
Patents, Genetically Modified Foods, and IP Overreaching, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Talking About Race and Equality, Sharon E. Rush
Explaining the Importance of Public Choice for Law, D. Daniel Sokol
Antitrust Merger Efficiencies in the Shadow of the Law, D. Daniel Sokol and James A. Fishkin
Antitrust Merger Efficiencies in the Shadow of the Law, D. Daniel Sokol and James A. Fishkin
Rethinking Proportionality Under the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause, John F. Stinneford
The Limitations of an Economic Agency Cost Theory of Trust Law, Lee-ford Tritt
A Yellow Light for “Green Zoning”: Some Words of Caution About Incorporating Green Building Standards into Local Land Use Law, Michael Allan Wolf
Submissions from 2010
The Unblinking Eye Turns to Appellate Law: Cameras in Trial Courtrooms and Their Effect on Appellate Law, Mary E. Adkins
Corn, Carbon, and Conservation: Rethinking U.S. Agricultural Policy in a Changing Global Environment, Mary Jane Angelo
Incenting Flexibility: The Relationship Between Public Law and Voluntary Action in Enhancing Work/Life Balance, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Just Notice: Re-Reforming Employment At-Will, Rachel Arnow-Richman
Response to Working Group on Chapter 2 of the Proposed Restatement of Employment Law: Putting the Restatement in its Place, Rachel Arnow-Richman
A Framework for an Informed Study of the Realistic Role of Tax in a Development Agenda, Yariv Brauner
Brain Drain Taxation as Development Policy, Yariv Brauner
How Realistic is the Supply/Demand Equilibrium Story? A Simple Demonstration of False Trading and its Implications for Market Equilibrium, Neil H. Buchanan
Medicare Meets Mephistopheles: Health Care, Government Spending, and Economic Prosperity, Neil H. Buchanan
The Sound and Fury of Carried Interest Reform, Karen C. Burke
The Sitting Ducks of Securities Class Action Litigation: Bio-Pharmas and the Need for Improved Evaluation of Scientific Data, Stuart R. Cohn and Erin M. Swick
Through the Doughnut Hole: Reimagining the Social Security Contribution and Benefit Base Limit, Patricia E. Dilley
Beyond Rules, Larry A. DiMatteo and Samuel Flaks
Contracts in Context and Contracts as Context, Larry A. DiMatteo and Blake D. Morant
Asking the Man Question: Masculinities Analysis and Feminist Theory, Nancy E. Dowd
(Re)Constructing The Framework of Work/Family, Nancy E. Dowd
The "F" Factor: Fineman as Method and Substance, Nancy E. Dowd
Seeing the State: Transparency as Metaphor, Mark Fenster
Beyond the Expected: Creating and Sustaining Relationships for Your Institutions, Claire M. Germain
Ten Federal Circuit Cases from 2009 That Veterans Benefits Attorneys Should Know, Paul R. Gugliuzza, Miguel F. Eaton, and Sumon Dantiki
Dr. Miles's Orphans: Vertical Conspiracy and Consignment in the Wake of Leegin, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Rethinking Mistake and Nondisclosure in Contract Law, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Nobody's Fools: The Rational Audience as First Amendment Ideal, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Too Big to Fail, Too Blind to See, Tom C.W. Lin
The Inconvenience of a “Constitution [that] follows the flag … but doesn’t quite catch up with it”: From Downes v. Bidwell to Boumediene v. Bush, Pedro A. Malavet
The Discursive Failure in Comparative Tax Law, Omri Y. Marian
Evaluating South Africa’s Post-Apartheid Democratic Prospects Through the Lens of Economic Development Theory, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2009, Martin J. McMahon Jr., Ira B. Shepard, and Daniel L. Simmons
A Field Guide to Cancellation of Debt Income, Martin J. McMahon Jr. and Daniel L. Simmons
Broadening the Use of Municipal Mortgages, Peter Molk
Book Review: A Revolution in Favor of Government: Origins of the U.S. Constitution and the Making of the American State,, Patricia Morgan
Legal Information Links for Public Librarians, Patricia Morgan and Lisa Parisi
Misappropriation of Shuar Traditional Knowledge (TK) and Trade Secrets: A Case Study on Biopiracy in the Amazon, Winston P. Nagan, Eduardo J. Mordujovich, Judit K. Otvos, and Jason Taylor
Legal Theory and the Anthropocene Challenge: The Implications of Law, Science, and Policy for Weapons of Mass Destruction and Climate Change: The Expanding the Constraining Boundaries of Legal Space and Time and the Challenge of the Anthropocene, Winston P. Nagan and Judit K. Otvos
Developing U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy and International Law: The Approach of the Obama Administration, Winston P. Nagan and Erin K. Slemmens
Expanding the NAFTA Chapter 19 Dispute Settlement System: A Way to Declaw Trade Remedy Laws in a Free Trade Area of the Americas?, Stephen J. Powell
A Tale of Two Families -- Red Families v. Blue Families: Legal Polarization and the Creation of Culture by Naomi Cahn & June Carbone, Rachel Rebouché
A Production Theory of Pure Economic Loss, Robert J. Rhee
Bond Limited Liability, Robert J. Rhee
Fiduciary Exemption for Public Necessity: Shareholder Profit, Public Good, and the Hobson's Choice during a National Crisis, Robert J. Rhee
The Decline of Investment Banking: Preliminary Thoughts on the Evolution of the Industry 1996-2008, Robert J. Rhee
Sex in and out of Intimacy, Laura A. Rosenbury and Jennifer E. Rothman
Striking a Balance: When Should Trade-Secret Law Shield Disclosures to the Government?, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Protecting the Dignity and Equality of Children: The Importance of Integrated Schools, Sharon E. Rush
An Unsettling Outcome: Why the Florida Supreme Court Was Wrong to Ban All Settlement Evidence in Saleeby v Rocky Elson Construction, Inc., 3 So. 3d 1078 (Fla. 2009), Michael L. Seigel, Robert J. Hauser, and Allison D. Sirica
Antitrust, Institutions, and Merger Control, D. Daniel Sokol
Designing Antitrust Agencies for More Effective Outcomes: What Antitrust Can Learn from Restaurant Guides, D. Daniel Sokol
Law and Development: The Way Forward or Just Stuck in the Same Place?, D. Daniel Sokol