Submissions from 2013
Jurisdiction to Tax Corporations, Omri Y. Marian
Book Review: Dimensions of Constitutional Change, Jonathan L. Marshfield
Who Killed the Rule Against Perpetuities?, Grayson M.P. McCouch
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2012, Martin J. McMahon Jr., Ira B. Shepard, and Daniel L. Simmons
Employer Costs And Conflicts Under The Affordable Care Act, Peter Molk
Websites with Free Legal Information, Patricia Morgan
Ignorance of International Law Is No Excuse, or How the Florida Legislature Ticked Off Canada, Patricia Morgan, Loren Turner, and Edward T. Hart
The Holocaust and Mass Atrocity: The Continuing Challenge for Decision, Winston P. Nagan and Aitza M. Haddad
The Conceptual and Jurisprudential Aspects of Property in the Context of the Fundamental Rights of Indigenous People: The Case of the Shuar of Ecuador, Winston P. Nagan and Craig Hammer
The Emerging Restrictions on Sovereign Immunity: Peremptory Norms of International Law, the U.N. Charter, and the Application of Modern Communications Theory, Winston P. Nagan and Joshua L. Root
Random, Suspicionless Searches of Students' Belongings: A Legal, Empirical, and Normative Analysis, Jason P. Nance
School Security Considerations after Newtown, Jason P. Nance
Students, Security, and Race, Jason P. Nance
A Law Librarian's Guide to Effective Committee Participation, Elizabeth Outler
Josh Wright’s “Chicago School Papers”: An Overview, William H. Page
Objective and Subjective Theories of Concerted Action, William H. Page
On Duopoly and Compensation Games in the Credit Rating Industry, Robert J. Rhee
Specialization in Law and Business: A Proposal for a J.D./'MBL' Curriculum, Robert J. Rhee
The Tort Foundation of Duty of Care and Business Judgment, Robert J. Rhee
Annual Saltman Lecture: Further Beyond Reason: Emotions, the Core Concerns, and Mindfulness in Negotiation, Leonard L. Riskin
Managing Inner and Outer Conflict: Selves, Subpersonalities, and Internal Family Systems, Leonard L. Riskin
Marital Status and Privilege, Laura A. Rosenbury
Work Wives, Laura A. Rosenbury
Intellectual Property and Employee Selection, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Merger Control under China's Anti-Monopoly Law, D. Daniel Sokol
Policing the Firm, D. Daniel Sokol
Renewable Energy through Agency Action, Amy L. Stein
The Illusory Eighth Amendment, John F. Stinneford
Youth Matters: Miller v. Alabama and the Future of Juvenile Sentencing, John F. Stinneford
Tackling "Arithmophobia": Teaching How to Read, Understand, and Analyze Financial Statements, Paula J. Williams, Kris Anne Tobin, Eric Franklin, and Robert J. Rhee
Corporations, Taxes, and Religion: The Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Contraceptive Cases, Steven J. Willis
Conservation Easements and the "Term Creep" Problem, Michael Allan Wolf
Strategies for Making Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Tools 'Takings-Proof', Michael Allan Wolf
The Brooding Omnipresence of Regulatory Takings: Urban Origins and Effects, Michael Allan Wolf
Counting Once, Counting Twice: The Precarious State of Subsidy Regulation, Wentong Zheng
Submissions from 2012
The Lessons from Libor for Detection and Deterrence of Cartel Wrongdoing, Rosa M. Abrantes-Metz and D. Daniel Sokol
Mission Creep in National Security Law, Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr. and Daniel R. Koslosky
The Rule of Reason and the Goals of Antitrust: An Economic Approach, Roger D. Blair and D. Daniel Sokol
The Law of Gender Stereotyping and the Work-Family Conflicts of Men, Stephanie Bornstein
Work, Family, and Discrimination at the Bottom of the Ladder, Stephanie Bornstein
Discrimination against Mothers is the Strongest Form of Workplace Gender Discrimination: Lessons from US Caregiver Discrimination Law, Stephanie Bornstein, Joan C. Williams, and Genevieve R. Painter
Why We Should Never Pay Down the National Debt, Neil H. Buchanan
How to Choose the Least Unconstitutional Option: Lessons for the President (and Others) from the Debt Ceiling Standoff, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Nullifying the Debt Ceiling Threat Once and for All: Why the President Should Embrace the Least Unconstitutional Option, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf
Conflicts as Inner Trials: Transitions for Clients, Ideas for Lawyers, Jonathan R. Cohen
Choosing among Innocents: Should Donations to Charities Be Protected from Avoidance as Fraudulent Transfers, Jeffrey Davis
Fatherhood and Equality: Reconfiguring Masculinities, Nancy E. Dowd
The Unsettled State of Pregnancy Discrimination Claims Under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, Donna L. Eng
The Viability of an Insanity Defense in Federal Revocation Proceedings, Donna L. Eng
Disclosure’s Effects: WikiLeaks and Transparency, Mark Fenster
Failed Exactions, Mark Fenster
The Transparency Fix: Advocating Legal Rights and Their Alternatives in the Pursuit of a Visible State, Mark Fenster
The Environmental and Social Injustice of Farmworker Pesticide Exposure, Joan D. Flocks
CISG Translation Issues: Reducing Legal Babelism, Claire M. Germain
IP Injury and the Institutions of Patent Law, Paul R. Gugliuzza
Rethinking Federal Circuit Jurisdiction, Paul R. Gugliuzza
The New Federal Circuit Mandamus, Paul R. Gugliuzza
Privacy, Copyright, and Letters, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Privacy, Copyright, and Letters, Jeffrey L. Harrison
The Influence of Law and Economics Scholarship on Contract Law: Impressions Twenty-Five Years Later, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Revisiting Mothering? – A Mother's Thoughts: A Response to Darren Rosenblum's Unsex Mothering: Toward a Culture of New Parenting, Berta E. Hernández-Truyol
Bad Faith at Middle Age: Comments on “The Principle without a Name (Yet),” Insurance Law, Contract Law, Specialness, Distinctiveness, and Difference, Robert H. Jerry II
Public Forum 2.1: Public Higher Education Institutions and Social Media, Robert H. Jerry II and Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Theorizing Mental Health Courts, E. Lea Johnston
Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for the Integrity of Poor Families, Shani M. King
Water Bankruptcy, Christine A. Klein
Not a Free Press Court?, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
How Not to Criminalize Cyberbullying, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky and Andrea Garcia
Executive Trade Secrets, Tom C.W. Lin
Managing the Next Deluge: A Tax System Approach to Flood Insurance, Charlene Luke and Aviva Abramovsky
No More Chipping Away: The Roberts Court Uses an Axe to Take Out the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule, Tracey Maclin and Jennifer Rader
Cluster Introduction: Puerto Rico: Interrogating Economic, Political, and Linguistic Injustice, Pedro A. Malavet
Meaningless Comparisons: Corporate Tax Reform Discourse in the United States, Omri Y. Marian
The Constitutional Bond in Military Professionalism: A Reply to Professor Deborah N. Pearlstein, Diane H. Mazur
Now You See it, Now You Don’t: The Comings and Goings of Disregarded Entities, Martin J. McMahon Jr.
Understanding Consolidated Returns, Martin J. McMahon Jr.
Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2011, Martin J. McMahon Jr., Ira B. Shepard, and Daniel L. Simmons
Reforming Nonprofit Exemption Requirements, Peter Molk
Recognition of Palestinian Statehood: A Clarification of the Interests of the Concerned Parties, Winston P. Nagan and Aitza M. Haddad
The Legal and Policy Implications of the Possibility of Palestinian Statehood, Winston P. Nagan and Aitza M. Haddad
Sovereignty in Theory and Practice, Winston P. Nagan and Aitza M. Haddad
A Neo-Chicago Approach to Concerted Action, William H. Page
Standard Oil and U.S. Steel: Predation and Collusion in the Law of Monopolization and Mergers, William H. Page
Antitrust, Innovation, and Product Design in Platform Markets: Microsoft and Intel, William H. Page and Seldon J. Childers
Article III Judicial Power and the Federal Arbitration Act, Roger J. Perlstadt
Beyond Labor Rights: Which Core Human Rights Must Regional Trade Agreements Protect?, Stephen J. Powell and Trisha Low
Comparative Pragmatism, Rachel Rebouché
Mixed Messages: The Intersection of Prenatal Genetic Testing and Abortion, Rachel Rebouché and Karen Rothenberg
A Financial Economic Theory of Punitive Damages, Robert J. Rhee
Awareness and the Legal Profession: An Introduction to the Mindful Lawyer Symposium, Leonard L. Riskin
Cartels, Corporate Compliance, and What Practitioners Really Think About Enforcement, D. Daniel Sokol
The Strategic Use of Public and Private Litigation in Antitrust as Business Strategy, D. Daniel Sokol
Antitrust Energy, D. Daniel Sokol and Barak Orbach
The Tipping Point of Federalism, Amy L. Stein
Punishment Without Culpability, John F. Stinneford
Theorizing History: Separate Spheres, the Public/Private Binary and a New Analytic for Family Law History, Danaya C. Wright
Reforming Trade Remedies, Wentong Zheng
Submissions from 2011
Small, Slow, and Local: Essays on Building a More Sustainable and Local Food System, Mary Jane Angelo, Amelia Timbers, Matthew J. Walker, Joshua B. Donabedian, Devon Van Noble, Erik Phillips-Nania, Emily Parish, and Jennifer L. Perez