Recent Content
A Statutory Comparison of Condominium Law Under the Legal Regimes in Florida and Japan
M. Daniel Anthony
Reducing Disparities in Civil Procedure Systems: Towards a Global Semi-Adversarial Model
Cesare Cavallini and Stefania Cirillo
Analysis of the Downstream-Collusive Effect in Vertical Mergers
Thomas Y. Lu and Chun-Chieh Wang
A Systemic Perspective for U.S. Open Banking: Ensuring Participation, Access, and Stability
Scott Farrell
Criminality & Imprisonment Policy Lessons from Across the Pond: Comparing Europe and the United States
Jonathan Link
India's Use of Public-Private Partnerships to Promote Rapid Expansion of Solar Electricity Facilities
Karen Consalo
The United States as an Essential Forum for Litigating and Chronicling the Genocide in Rwanda
Matthew C. Kane
The Answer to Enforcing Multilateral Environmental Agreements: The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Ashleigh R. Shelver
Maritime Delimitation: Dispute Amongst Peru and Chile International Court of Justice, 2008-2014
Vishal Gehrana
"Unable to Return" in the 1951 Refugee Convention: Stateless Refugees and Climate Change
Heather Alexander and Jonathan Simon
Military Assistance Conditioned on Justice: An Empirical Study of the Leahy Law and Human Rights Prosecutions
Ivan Waggoner
Are Private Arbitral Panels Tribunals Under § 1782?: Analysis of Case Law and Interpretative
Maria Castro Sanchez
Brexit as an Arbitrary Withdrawal of European Union Citizenship
William Thomas Worster
China's Homegrown Free-speech Tradition: Imperial Past and Modern Present. And Post-Modern Future?
Roy L. Sturgeon
Public Policy in International Investment and Trade Law: Community Expectations and FunctionalDecision-Making
Diane A. Desierto
Remotely Piloted Aircrafts (RPAs) in Targeted Killing Operations: The United States is No Lone Wolf
Eveylon Corrie Westbrook Mack
The Role of the International Criminal Court in Implementing the Responsibility to Protect
Yejoon Rim
Defending Taiwan: Collective Self-Defense of a Contested State
Major Ryan M. Fisher
The Vanishing Act: Punishing and Deterring Perpetrators Through the Concurrent Application of Diverse Legal Regimes to Enforced Disappearances
Danushka S. Medawatte
Recognizing Persecution in U.S. Criminal Justice and Capital Punishment: A Potential Path to Asylum Relief for U.S. Nationals
Alexandra Lauren Horn, Esq.
The Pond Separates Cultures But Not Values: A Comparative Look at the French Codification of Right to Withdrawal of Labor and the American Concept of At-Will Employment
Thomas D. Aaron Wazlavek
The Law and Economics of (Functional) Antitrust Standing in the United States and the European Union
Jeffrey L. Harrison
Innocence Lost: Instituting Harsher International Criminal Court Sentences for Perpetrators of Sex Crimes Against Children
Rachel F. Braden
Beyond Contrastive Rhetoric: Helping International Lawyers Use Cohesive Devices in U.S. Legal Writing
Elizabeth R. Baldwin
An Analysis of the People's Republic of China's Foreign Investment Law and Foreign Direct Investment in Shanghai's Free Trade Zone
Omar R. Gutierrez
Expressing Dissent: Gag Laws, Human Rights Activism and the Right to Protest
Eleni Polymenopoulou
"The Right to be Forgottten" and its Unintended Consequences to Intelligence Gathering
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The Standardized Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements (MARA): An Effective Tool for Ending Armed Conflict-Related Sexual Violence?
Francesco Seatzu
Bribery and Corruption: The COSO Framework, FCPA, and U.K. Bribery Act
Lawrence J. Trautman and Joanna Kimbell
Jerusalem in the Courts and on the Ground
Sam F. Halabi
An Unlawful Overreach: Trying Nationals of Non-Consenting, Non-Party States Before the International Criminal Court
Jay Alan Sekulow and Robert Weston Ash
"The Pain I Rise Above": How International Human Rights Can Best Realize the Needs of Persons with Trauma-Related Mental Disabilities
Mehgan Gallagher and Michael L. Perlin
Combating International Terrorism
Waseem Ahmad Qureshi
State Responsibility for Involvement of Nationals and Residents in Acts of Terrorism Aboard: Iraq as a Case Study
Khaled Ramadan Bashir
True Perestroika or Still Perfunctory: A Decade of Developments in Russian Law Practice Reform
Katerina P. Lewinbuk
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) and the Right to Health: Is There a Nexus?
Dr. Obiajulu Nnamuchi
Of Preseidents and Precedents: The Role of Judicial Review in Recent Presidential Elections in Peru, Costa Rica, and the United States
Juan Francisco Perea
Privatization and the Future of Water Services
Jeffrey S. Wade
The 2006 Israel-Lebanese Conflict: A Case Study for Protection of the Environment in Times of Armed Conflict
Ling-Yee Huang
Problematic of International Arbitration in Latin America
Fernando Cantuarias
The Right to Development: Exploring the Legal Basis of a Supernorm
Noel G. Villaroman
Copyright Law: Balancing Foreign and Domestic Interests in the International Arena, Golan v. Holder, 609 F.3d 1076 (10th Cir. 2010)
Arletvs Rodriguez
Toward a Vibrant Peruvian Middle Class: Effects of the Peru-United States Free Trade Agreement on Labor Rights, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Populations
Stephen J. Powell and Paola A. Chavarro
ACLU v. United States Department of Defense: Substantive Difference=Substantial Deference
Jennifer Allen
The Wreck of the Andrew J. Barberi: Revaluating the Role of the U.S. and E.U. Limitation of Liability Statutes
Debra L. Doby
Beyond Critical Mass: A Comparative Perspective on Judicial Design and Gender Equality in Iraq and Afghanistan
Carolyn A. Dubay
Gandara v. Bennet: Does the Eleventh Circit's Decision Presage the Future of Article 36 in American Jurisprudence?
Stephen D. Lott
Foreign Sovereign Immunity: Is the FSIA Ineffective, or is it Politics as Usual?, Samantar v. Yousuf, 130 S. Ct. 2278 (2010)
Michael Gutman
Taking Risks Ethically
John D. Haskell
Use of Comparative Law in Determining the Customary International Law of Human Rights
Kenneth S. Gallant
Inevident Truths; Why Current International Norms and Policies May Not Have Supported the American Revolution
Patrick A. Woods
Not Just Another Drop in the Human Rights Bucket: The Legal Significance of a Codified Human Right to Water
Ling-Yee Huang
Small Arms and Light Weapons: Complicity With a View toward Extended State Responsibility
Theresa A. DiPerna
Federal Courts: Finding a Remedy When None Seems Available, Jogi v. Voges, 480 F.3d 822 (7th Cir. 2007)
Goubarkov Dmitri
Justice of the Peace in Peru: An Efficient Justice Service
Maria Elena Guerra Cerron
From Recognition to Regulation: Access to In Vitro Fertilization and the American Convention on Human Rights
Martin Hevia and Carlos Herrera Vacaflor
Processes, Standards, and Politics: Drafting Short Titles in the Westminster Parliament, Scottish Prliament, and U.S. Congress
Brian Christopher Jones
Currency Cooperation and Sovereign Financial Obligations
Robert Bejesky
The Art of Money Laundering
Hannah Purkey
Keeping Dealers off the Docket: The Perils of Prosecuting Serious Drug-related Offences at the International Criminal Court
Johan David Michels
Florida's Forgotten Ports: Will the Small Ports of Florida Survive the Rise of the Condo?
Susan N. Novak
A Critique of the Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens
Markus Petsche
The Battle Continues: Fighting for a More Child-Sensitive Approach to Asylum for Child Soldiers
Jennifer C. Everett
Habeas Relief Abroad: Stare Decisis or Politics as Usual?
Arianna Wallizada
War with Iran - Avoidable or Inevitable
Sanam Vakil
Stare Decisis, Commercial Exchanges and Predictability: A Proposal to Confront the Reform of the Judicial Branch
Luis Diego Canseco and Enrique Pasquel
Accountability in the Generation of Governance Indicators
Nikhil K. Dutta
Bearing Silent Witness: A Grandfather's Secret Attestation to German War Crimes in Occupied France
McKay M. Smith
Ready . . . Fire . . . Aim!: A Case for Applying American Due Process Principles Before Engaging in Drone Strikes
Carla Crandall
Legal Ramifications of the War in Gaza
Johan D. van der Vyver
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel in Removal Proceedings Matter of Compean and the Fundamental Fairness Doctrine
Jean Pierre Espinoza
Pirate Accessory Liability: Developing a Modern Legal Regime Governing Incitement and Intentional Facilitation of Maritime Piracy
Roger L. Phillips
State Criminal Prosecution of a Former President: Accountability Through Complementarity Under American Federalism
Benjamin G. Davis et al.
Interferences with Property Under European Human Rights Law
Sebastian Lopez-Escarcena
Regional Approach to Transitional Justice? Examining the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Truth & Reconciliation Commission for Liberia
Matiangai Sirleaf
Bridging the Divides in International Criminal Proceedings: An Examination into the Victim Participation Endeavor of the International Criminal Court
Brianne N. McGonigle
Beyond Manson and Lukolongo: A Critique of American and Zambian Eyewitness Law with Recommendations for Reform in the Developing World
Nicholas A. Kahn-Fogel
The Scope of Democratic Public Discourse: Defending Democracy, Tolerating Intolerance, and the Problem of Neo-Nazi Demonstrations in Germany
Claudia E. Haupt
The Enormous Challenge
Alejandro Toledo
Law Schools as Agents of Change and Justice Reform in the Americas
Jon Mills and Timothy McLendon
Applicability and Application of the Laws of War to Modern Conflicts
Daphne Richemond-Barak
Time for a Tune-Up: Retooling the 2012 TIP Report in Order to Better Meet International Legal Research Standards
Ashley Feasley
The Curious Persistence of Blasphemy
Jeremy Patrick
The End of an Era of Limited Oversight: The Restructured Regulatory Landscape of Private InvestmentFunds Through the U.S. Dodd-Frank Act and the E.U. Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
Barbara Crutchfield George and Lynn Vivian Dymally
Island in Distress: State Failure in Haiti
Mario Silva
The Constitution of Cadiz in Florida
M.C. Mirow
Invitation to a Discourse Regarding the History, Philosophy and Social Psychology of a Property Right in Copyright
Sharon E. Foster
Constitutions in Crisis; A Comparative Approach to Judicial Reasoning and Separation of Powers
Adam Shinar
The European Union and Fan Racism in European Soccer Stadiums: The Time has Come for Action
Michael Ryan
Remarks Based on New Book Memo to the President Elect: How We Can Restore America's Reputation and Leadership
Madeleine K. Albright
Creating a Consensus for Justice Reform in Peru
Alejandro Toledo
An Eerie Erie Question: Does Florida's Offer of Judgment Statute Apply in Maritime Cases?
Mohammad O. Jazil and David C. Miller
The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and Pakistan: Interpreting Nuclear Security Assistance Prohibitions
Steven G. Stransky
"Guns for Hire, Death on Demand": The Permissibility of U.S. Outsourcing of Drone Attacks to Civillian Surrogates of the Traditional Armed Forces and Challenges to Traditional Just War Theory
Kevin Hugh Govern and Scott Adam Schlager
The Effectiveness of Pandemic Preparations: Legal Lessons From the 2009 Influenza Epidemic
Bradly J. Condon and Tapen Sinha
Definitely Maybe: The Outlook for U.S. Relations with the International Criminal Court During the Obama Administration
Stephen Eliot Smith
RHRIs, NHRIs and Human Rights NGOs
Buhm-Suk Baek
Globalization and Urban Opportunities in the Immigrant Cityscape
Jose Miguel Flores
Reconstituting Constitutions—Institutions and Culture: The Mexican Constitution and NAFTA: Human Rights vis-à-vis Commerce
Imer B. Flores
Globalization, Nationalism, & Human Rights
Paul H. Brietzke
Indigenous Self-Determination in Latin America
Angel R. Oquendo
Bounty Hunters and Pirates: Filling in the Gaps of the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea
Brooke A. Bornick
Telecommunications: The Applicability of the Wire Fraud Statute to Prosecutions of Schemes Aimed at a Foreign Sovereign - Pasquantino v. United States
Joanna A. Wasiluk
Franchise Agreements and Adjudication in the United States and the European Union
James W. Kirkconnell
Indigenous People, Rights, and the State of Argentina
Claudia Lozano
The Uneasy U.S. Relationship with Human Rights Treaties: The Constitutional Treaty System and Nonself-Execution Declarations
Michelle S. Friedman
Harmonization of U.S. and Foreign Patent Law and H.R. 2795: The Patent Reform Act of 2005
Ryan M. Corbett
Ill at Ease: The Precarious State of the Biological Weapons Convention's Proposed Enforcement Regime
Nahal Kazemi
La Isla Del Escape: America's Escape from Corporate Taxes & Puerto Rico's Taxed Future
Eduardo Jose Fernandez
The Powerful but Vulnerable Aide I the Rise and Fall of Woodrow Wilson and His League of Nations
Jeffrey O'Connell and Thomas E. O'Connell
International Judicial Assistance: An Analysis of Intel v. AMD and Its Affect on § 1782 Discovery Assistance
Anand Suryakant Patel
Spain Gazing: Postcolonial Aspirations, Neocolonial Systems and Postponed Reckonings—Queries from the Margins
Francisco Valdes
Sovereignty in a Postsovereign World
John Alan Cohan
A Comity of Errors: Understanding the International Abstention Doctrine
Andres Rivero, Jorge A. Mestre, and Laura K. Revak
Mass Media Coverage of International Law: (Benign) Neglect?, Distortion?
John King Gamble and Nicole Lee Dirling
Regional Economic Arrangements and the Rule of Law in the Americas: The Human Rights Face of Free Trade Agreements
Stephen J. Powell
Biting the Hand that Feeds Us: A Critical Analysis of U.S. Policy Trends Concerning Chinese Currency Manipulation
Paul V. Sharobeem
Is Article 25(3) of the ICC Statute Compatible with "Crime of Aggression"?
Nicolaos Strapatsas
Seeking the Best Forum to Prosecute International War Crimes: Proposed Paradigms and Solutions
Milena Sterio
The Darfur Debate: Whether the ICC Should Determine that the Atrocities in Darfur Constitute Genocide
Jamie A. Mathew
Coming Clean on Dirty Dealing: Time for a Fact-Based Evaluation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Philip Segal
Accessing Justice in South Africa
Anashri Pillay
A Seat at the Table: A Critical Analysis of the Right to Foreign Nation Parens Patriae Standing
Jeffrey R. Armstrong
It Takes a Village…or at Least a Region: Rethinking Peace Operations in the Twenty-First Century, the Hope and Promise of African Regional Institutions
Dana Michael Hollywood
Familia E Immigracion: What Happened to Family Unity?
Fernando Colon-Navarro
R (On the Application of Al Skeini) v. Secretary of Defence: A Look at the United Kingdom's Extraterritorial Obligations in Iraq and Beyond
Tarik Abdel-Monem, Patrick J.D. Kennedy, and Ekaterina Apostolova
God and Caesar in the Twenty-First Century: What Recent Cases Say About Church-State Relations in England and the United States
Judith D. Fischer and Chloe J. Wallace
Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments in the Brazilian Supreme Court
Conrado Hübner Mendes
Force, International Law, and American Foreign Policy
W. Jason Fisher
Restitution as a Remedy for Refugee Property Claims in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Michael Kagan
War or Peace: It Is Time for the United States to Ratify the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts
Juliana V. Campagna
The U.S.-EC Dispute over Custom Matters: Trade Facilitation, Customs Unions, and the Meaning of WTO Obligations
Daniel H. Erskine
Spirited Away (Into a Legal Black Hole?): The Challenge of Invoking State Responsibility for Extraordinary Rendition
Jillian Button
The U.N. Global Compact and Accountability of Transnational Corporations: Separating Myth from Realities
Evaristus Oshionebo
The HIV/AIDS Pandemic and Human Rights: A Continuum Approach
Ellen M. Walker
Toward Democratic Consolidation? The Argentine Supreme Court, Judicial Independence, and the Rule of Law
Christopher J. Walker
The Vision for Reform and Its Potential for Success
Juan Enrique Vargas Viancos
Brazil - The Reintroduction of a Democratic State and the Liberalization of a Previously Closed Economy
Daniela Trejos Vargas
The Place of Human Rights Law in World Trade Organization Rules
Stephen J. Powell
Universities and the Judicial Field
Maria Antonieta Saenz Elizondo
Corporate America and the Need for Public Trials
Robert G. Kerrigan
The Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights
Christina M. Cerna
Strengths and Hurdles in the Struggle against Asset Laundering and the Repression of Financial Crime: The Colombian Perspective
Jaime Ospina-Velasco
The Rule of Law and Human Rights
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol
The Reform of the Latin American Judiciary
Jorge Santistevan de Noriega
Money Laundering and the Harmful Tax Competition
Peter D. Maynard
Constitutionalism in Brazil
Paulo Roberto Pereira de Souza
Encuentros and Desencuentros: Reflections on a LatCrit Colloquium in Latin America
Joshua Price and Maria Lugones
Organized Crime in the Americas and Transnationally
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr.
Law as Hope: Constitutions, Courts, and Social Change in Latin America
Mauricio Garcia-Villegas
Judiciary Reform in Colombia
Luis Alberto Moreno
How to Play Justice and Drama in Antiquity: Law and Theater in Athens as Performative Rituals
Emiliano J. Buis
Sub-Regional Economic Integration Programs in Latin America
Thomas Andrew O'Keefe
Protecting the Argentine Jewish Community and Jewish Identity in Times of Crisis: Local Efforts, Global Community, and Foreign Support
Carina J. Miller
The Pharmaceutical Industry's Intersection with Business and Government
Shannon S.S. Herzfeld
Post-September 11 Terrorism Measures
George Millard
Race, Nation-Building and Legal Transculturation During the Haitian Unification Period (1822-1844): Towards a Haitian Perspective
Charles R. Venator Santiago
Caribbean Anti Money Laundering Update
Alan Lambert
The Rule of Law, Terrorism and Countermeasures Including the USA Patriot Act of 2001
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr.
Legal Education in the Americas
Jon Mills
Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO in the Americas: New Issues as the Pace of Economic Integration Quickens
Stephen J. Powell
Civil Justice Reform in the Americas: Lessons from Guatemala
Maria Luisa Beltranena de Padilla
Social Justice Advocacy in the Third Dimension: Addressing the Problem of "Preservation-Through-Transformation"
John O. Calmore
The Potential for Future Economic Relations with Cuba
Michael W. Gordon
Law, Culture, and Equality - Human Rights' Influence on Domestic Norms: The Case of Women in the Americas
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol
Civil Justice Reform in the Americas: Lessons from Mexico
Carlos Manuel Loperena Ruiz
The Law is the Legal Framework that Governs Relationships
Maria C. Stewart
The United Nations and Humanitarian Intervention: Building Legitimacy by Confronting our Past—An Open Letter to Kofi Annan
Danette Zaghari-Mask, Sabina Tomshinsky, and Tosha Fernandez
Policy and Praxis: A Role for LatCrit "Institutional-Class Analysis" in Latin American Judicial Reform
Becky L. Jacobs
Humanitarian Intervention: An Examination of the United Nations' Role in the Modern Age of Civil Conflicts
Lisa Leila Jama
Colombia's Peace Process: The Continuous Search for Peace
Maria Cristina Cardenas
The Export of Medical Supplies and Agriculture Products in Cuba
Stephen J. Powell
Commercial Arbitration in Mexico
Leonel Pereznieto Castro
Civil Justice Reform in the Americas: Lessons from Brazil
Daniela Trejos Vargas
What Economic Integration in the Hemisphere Means to Florida Industries: Now and in 2005
Stephen J. Powell
Selected Aspects of Cuba's Intellectual Property Laws
Jesus (Jay) Sanchelima
Indigenous Peoples' Self-Determination and the Broken Tin Kettle Music of Human Rights and Liberal Democracy
Dominique Legros
Rights, Patents, Markets and the Global AIDS Pandemic
James Thuo Gathii
The Effect of the Introduction of the Euro on Continuity of Contracts: Is the United States Prepared
Nonna K. Crane
Land Reform in Zimbabwe
Nick Dancaescu
The Gatt Obstacle: International Trade as a Barrier to Enforcement of Environmental Conservation on the High Seas
Andrew J. Kelly
Genetically Modified Organisms
Julia Novotny
Argentina's Efforts at Financial Recovery and Impacts of the Crisis on MERCOSUR and FTAA Talks
Adrian Jorge Makuc
Guatemalan Constitutional Court
Maria Luisa Beltranena de Padilla
Michael Gordon
The Essential Elements of a Functioning Democracy
Dennis C. Jett
Obstacles Encountered Representing the Interests of Cuban Nationals in the American Courts
Jose I. Valdes and Enrique Zamora
Copyright Piracy in Vietnam: The Impediments of Weak Enforcement on Vietnam's Attempts to Enter the World Market
Julie Siefkas
Universal Jurisdiction and Drug Trafficking: A Tool for Fighting One of the World's Most Pervasive Problems
Anne H. Geraghty
Gender-Related Persecution and the Adjudication of Asylum Claims: Is a Sixth Category Needed?
Marian Kennady
Rape as a War Crime: The Implications of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia's Decision in Prosecutor v. Kunarac, Kovac, & Vukovic on International Humanitarian Law
Christopher Scott Maravilla
The Elimination of Political Groups Under International Law and the Constitution of Political Claims
Farid Samir Benavides-Vanegas
the International Legal Status of Condominia
Vincent P. Bantz
Growing Pains: European Union Enlargement and the Restructuring of the European Commission Under the Treaty of Nice
Charles W. Smitherman III
Environmental Damages and Crimes
Jeffrey S. Wade
Forms of Dispute Resolution in the North American Free Trade Agreement
Michael Wallace Gordon
Political Economy in Latin America
Terry L. McCoy
Organized Crime and Money Laundering in the Americas
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr.
Cuba's Business Enterprises: How Business is Conducted on the Island
Antonio R. Zamora
Adverse Effects of the Illicit Movement and Dumping of Hazardous, Toxic, and Dangerous Wastes and Products on the Enjoyment of Human Rights
Cyril Uchenna Gwam
All the Other Dirty Little Secrets: Investment Treaties, Latin America, and the Necessary Evil of Investor-State Arbitration
Carlos G. Garcia
Post-TRIPS Developments: The Tension Between Commercial and Social Agendas in the Context of Intellectual Property
Susan K. Sell
The U.N. Security Council's Obligations of Good Faith
Elias Davidson
Good Governance: The Old, the New, the Principle and the Elements
Frances N. Botchway
The International Criminal Court and Its Implication for Domestic Law and National Capacity Building
Mark S. Ellis
Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Money Laundering in the Americas
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr.
Corruption, Transparency and Rule of Law
Kenneth H. MacKay Jr.
Democracy in Latin America
Dennis Jett
International Litigation in the Americas
Michael Wallace Gordon
Falilias Sin Fronteras: Mujeres Unidas Por Su Historia
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol
Globalization of Merger Control—A Look at Bilateral Cooperation Through the GE/Honeywell Case
Ariel Ezrachi
"Will She Speak or Won't She? That is the Question": Comments on the Communal Land Rights Bill
Deon Erasmus
Overcome by Hardship: The Inapplicability of the Unidroit Principles' Hardship Provisions to CISG
Scott D. Slater
International Intellectual Property, Access to Health Care, and Human Rights: South Africa v. United States
Winston P. Nagan
Modes of Warfare and Evolving Standards of Environmental Protection Under the International Law of War
John Alan Cohan
Intervention in Iraq: Towards A Doctrine of Anticipatory Counter-Terrorism, Counter-Proliferation Intervention
Christopher Clarke Posteraro
Opening Remarks
Jon Mills
Florida's Role as Part of the Americas
Katherine Harris
Opening Remarks
Buddy MacKay
Opening Remarks
Jon Mills
Thinking About Cuba: Post-Castro Cuba Began a Decade Ago
Michael Wallace Gordon
The Roma and Native Americans: Encapsulated Comunities within Larger Constitutional Regimes
Edo Banach
The History, Nature, and Reach of the Alien Tort Claims Act
Jordan J. Paust
LatCrit Goes International
Kevin R. Johnson
Introduction to IP Symposium
Thomas F. Cotter
Civil Lawsuits Involving a United States Corporation and Individuals from Various Foreign Nations - With an Emphasis on Mexico
Michael Wallace Gordon
The Central American Integration System (SICA) at the Dawn of a New Century: Will the Central American Isthmus Finally be able to Achieve Economic and Political Unity?
Thomas Andrew O'Keefe
The Laws of War Waged Between Democratic States and Terrorist Organizations: Real or Illusive?
Emanuel Gross
"One Tomato, Two Tomato . . ." Selection of Trade Remedy Laws in the Florida-Mexico Tomato Conflict
Eric P. Salonen
U.S. Restrictions on Imports of Winter Vegetables from Mexico
Patrick F.J. Macrory
The Hypothetical Question
Donna Solen
The Manatee: Facing Imminet Extinction
Sherry Marie Coté
The Environmental Side Agreement Between Mexico and the United States—An Effective Compromise?
Linda DuPuis
The Mareva Injunction and Anton Piller Order: The Nuclear Weapons of English Commercial Litigation
Kern Alexander
The New German Insider Law: Introduction and Discussion in Relation to United States Securities Law
Peter M. Memminger
Women's Right to Equal pay in the International Workplace: Is the United States a Poor Leader and a Poor Follower?
Cynthia Reddick-Martin
European Union Banana Controversy
Richard Lyons
Extraterritorial Discovery in Australia: Fishing for Evidence "Down Under"
Jerry L. McDaniel III
Notarial and Other Registration Systems
Armando J. Tirado
International Trade and Foreign Investment in Colombia: A Sound Economic Policy Amidst Crisis
David J. Pascuzzi
European Law and Public Utility Open Access
Alexander J. Black
Resolution of an International Transaction Under Mexican Conflict of Laws Principles
Leonel Pereznieto Castro
The European Community's Parent-Subsidiary Directive
Charles M. Harris Jr.
Human Rights in Bosnia: Implementing an Effective Prosecution
Danielle Lachman
The Administering Authority in the Venezuelan Antidumping and Subsidy Law
Jorge Castro-Bernieri
A Compromise in the Fresh Tomato Trade Dispute
John J. VanSickle
Payment by Mistake in English Law
Yung Frank Chiang
Expanding the Frontiers of Humnitarian Law: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Paul J. Magnarella
Simultaneous Breakout Sessions
Jeffrey Snyder and John H. Rooney
Defamation of Public Figures: Is New York Times Outdated?
Michael S. Grimsley
Simultaneous Break-Out Session
Fernando Pelaez
Country Updates Part IV
Jorge Ortiz
The Qualified Domestic Trust
Joseph B. McFarland
Civil Law Comparisons
Keith Rosen
United States Extraterritorial Subject Matter Jurisdiction in Securities Fraud Litigation
Michael Wallace Gordon
Cuba: An Economy in Transition?
Raul Moncarz and Leonardo Rodriguez
Structuring Direct and Indirect Investment in Latin America: Country Updates
Ricardo Seeber, Jose Maria Eyzaguirre, Saturnino Lucio, and Willy Morgan
An International Transaction in the American Conflict of Laws
Friedrich K. Juenger
Structuring Direct Investment in Latin America: Keeping Pace with New Financial Regimes, Innovative Investment Vehicles, and Changing Labor Laws
Jana Sigars, Jorge Bustamante, and Luis Zuniga
The U.S.-Mexico Tax Treaty
Eric J. Smith
Constitutional Law: Due Process and Commerce Clause Concerns in State Taxation of Multinational Corporations in Wake of the Barclays Case
Beverly L. Hayes
International Reaction to the Cuban Democracy Act
Gabriel M. Wilner
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Seminar on Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Latin America - Chapter IV: Other Free Trade Zones
Emilio Cardenas and Sebastian Perez Areta
The Role of United States Trade Laws in Resolving the Florida-Meixico Tomato Conflict
Stephen J. Powell and Mark A. Barnett
Veil Piercing and Successor Liability in the United Kingdom
Dan D. Prentice
Cuban Legal Evolution: Encouraging Foreign Trade and Investment
Michael Wallace Gordon
Nationality, Veil Piercing, and Successor Liability
Michael Wallace Gordon
Some Observations on NAFTA
Michael W. Gordon
Indirect Investment Opportunities and Challenges: Agency, Licensing, Distribution, and Franchising
Jay Andrews and Ricardo Barretto Ferreira da Silva
The New Legal Framework for High Technology Industries in Latin America: Country Updates Part II
David L. Teichmann
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Cuban Democracy Act
Harold G. Maier
Arbitration in Income Tax Treaties: "To Be or Not to Be"
Sharon A. Reece
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Seminar on Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Latin America - Chapter III: Free Trade - Changes in the Legal Environment, Mexico and Beyond
Jana Sigars-Malina, Oscar de la Vega Gomez, Saturnio E. Lucio II, and Pedro A. Freyre
Real Estate Investments in Cuba: Back to the Future
Antonio R. Zamora
Control and the Partly Owned Corporation: A Preliminary Inquiry into Shared Control
Phillip I. Blumberg
Introductory Remarks
Jeffrey Lewis
Country Updates in Emerging Capital Markets: Andean Pact Countries
Bruce Horowitz and Jana Sigars
Introductory Remarks
Ken Curtin
First Annual International Business Law Symposium - Introductory Remarks
Michael Wallace Gordon
The Surge in Trade with Latin America: Considerations in the Export Trade
Mark Rosenberg, Jay T. Malina, Alfredo Fournier, and Francisco de P. Carral Puccio
Resurgence of Nazism in Germany—An Attitude Problem
Karen Y. Crabbs
The New Latin American Economic Landscape: Emerging Market Capitalization: Country Updates Part I
Dr. Carlos E. Bertao
GATT 1994 Dispute Settlement: Sacrificing Diplomacy for Efficiency in the Multilateral Trading System?
Taunya McLarty
Trading with Cuba: The Cuban Democracy Act and Export Rules
Michael Wallace Gordon and Clara David
United States Domestic Policies and Chinese Immigrants: Where Should Judges Draw the Lines When Granting Political Asylum
Karen Y. Crabbs
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Seminar on Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Latin America - Chapter II: The United States/Mexico/Canada Free Trade Agreement
Shelly P. Battram and Miguel Noyola
Some Milestones and Achievements at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: The 1998 Kambanda and Akayesu Cases
Paul J. Magnarella
Introductory Remarks
Donna Solen
Jose A. Santos
The Contnuity of the Enterprise Doctrine: Corporate Successorship in United States Law
Phillip I. Blumberg
The Hypothetical Problem
Richard Lyons
Trade with Latin America: Considerations in Export Trade
Jana Sigars and Ambler Moss
The Hypothetical Problem
Ken Curtin
Michael Wallace Gordon
Jana Sigars and Charles Dusseau
The European Rate Mechanism: It Continues to Function, But…
Daniel T. Murphy
Unintended Sibling Legislation? Statutory Regulations of Child Labor in Germany and in the United States
Carol Daugherty Rasnic
Introductory Remarks
E.K. Cottrell
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Seminar on Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Latin America: Free Trade - The Door Opens: Chapter I: Update on Laws Affecting Business
Antonio Mendes, Cosme Beccar Varela, Carlos Urrutia Jr., and Raúl Toro
Business Immigration
Elsbeth W. Gordon
German Reunification: The Effect on International Ventures
Leonard P. Feldman
A Delicate Balance: The Effectiveness of Apartheid Reforms in the Struggle for the Future of South Africa
Kimberlee Ann Scalia
Present Efforts Will Not Make the Holes Disappear: International Efforts to Report the Ozone Layer
Jill Granat and John Weig
Maquiladoras and the Yucatan
L. Gray Sanders
Should the United States Re-establish Trade with Cuba? An Assessment of the Considerations Involved in the Decision
Manuel A. Mesa
Transnational Legal Practice in a North American Common Market
Cheryl Lynn Virta
Derailing the Fast-Track for International Trade Agreements
Edmund Walter Sim
Legal and Structural Aspects of Privatization in Poland
Stanislaw Soltysinski
The New Zealand Bill of Rights: A Step Towards the Canadian and American Examples or a Continuation of Parlimentary Supremacy?
Michael Principe
Cites: Banning the Ivory Trade—An Attempt to Save the African Elephant from Extinction
Susan L. Landy
Republic of Argentina v. Weltover: Adding Clarity to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act Commercial Activities Exception
Kristine M. Orlando
Soviet Joint Enterprise Legislation
Eugeniy T. Roulko
"The Human Spirit Cannot be Locked Up Forever:" An Analysis of the New Agenda on Human Rights From the Bush Administration
Dwayne O. Leslie
Researching European Community Competition law: A Practical Guide and Selective Bibliography
Amanda Lynn Parks
The ABM Treaty and "Star Wars": May the Force of International Law Be With Them?
Anthony John Mutchler
An Outward Sign of an Inward Struggle: The Fight for Human Rights of the Australian Aborigine
Sandra K. Haas
Tax Aspects of Doing Business in the People's Republic of China—A Comparative Summary for U.S. Investors
James W. Harrison
German Sovereign Immunity Defense (Interpretation by the German Courts)
Christopher John Oehrle
Acquisition of Immovables by a Joint Venture in Poland
Marian Kepinski
United States-Poland Economic Treaty: A Blueprint for Intellectual Property Reform in Eastern Europe and the Developing World?
Scott P. Boylan
Economic Sanctions, U.S. Foreign Policy, International Law and the Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986
Winston P. Nagan
Undertakings in EEC Anti-Dumping Laws
Ad M. den Oudsten
Garcia and Judicially-Imposed Constitutional Protections of State Sovereignty: The Australian Experience
John E. Eichhorst and Ronald C. McCallum
The Tatamae and Honne of Japan's Internationalization: The Japan-South Africa Relationship
Paul Lansing and Tamra Domeyer
Airline Baggage Claims: A Tour Through the Legal Minefield
Stephen C. Fulton
Debt-for-Nature Swaps: A Modest But Meaningful Response to Two International Crises
Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas
The United States of America: Champion of the Rule of Law or the New World Order?
Jeffrey F. Addicott
Foreign Attorneys in Japan: Past Policies, the New Special Measures Law and Future Expectations
Megan Ryan MacMullin
A Contemporary Theory of Humanitarian Intervention
R. George Wright
Efforts to Introduce a Value Added Tax in the United States
David W. Richardson
The Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders in Israel: The Necessity for a Comprehensive Tax Reform
Dr. David Gliksburg
The Refugee Act of 1980: Grants of Asylum on Accoutn of "Political Opinion" Over One Decade Later
Mark A. Burch
The Concept of a Joint Venture and the Legal Context for Joint Ventures in CMEA Countries
Andrzej Burzynski
Civil Resistance: The Dictates of Conscience and International Law Versus the American Judiciary
Matthew Lippman
The German Abortion Debate: Stumbling Block to Unity
Karen Y. Crabbs
Antarctica, the Antarctic Treaty Regime, and Legal and Geopolitical Implications of Natural Resource Exploration and Exploitation
Patrick T. Bergin
Government Sponsored Summary and Arbitrary Executions
Matthew Lippman
United States Treaty Obligations, Revenue Laws and New Section 7852(d) of the Internal Revenue Code
Irwin Halpern
Analysis and Proposals for the Rectification of the Ambiguities Inherent in Article 1 of the U.N. Convention on Torture
Dr. Ahcene Boulesbaa
Taking Constitutionalism Seriously: Costa Rica's Sala Cuarta
Robert S. Barker
The Bush Administration and East-West Trade: Some Observations
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr.
Human Rights in a New World Order
E. L. Roy Hunt
National Security Review of Foreign Investment in the United States: An Update on Exon-Florio and the Final Regulations Which Implement It
Frederick P. White and M. Roy Goldberg
Glasnost: Joint Ventures Now Permitted in the Soviet Union
David R. Richardson
Imported Cut Flowers—A Thorny Question
Lynne M. Baldwin
Revenue Laws as a Stimulant for Food Production and Growth: The East African Experience
Jack A. Hiller
Transnational Company Relations and Hungary
Tibor Palankai
The Impact of Canadian Environmental Regulations on Bilateral Trade with Eastern Europe
Maryse Grandbois
Enforcement of Forum Selection Clauses in Transnational Contracts—Is Agreement Possible Between the United States and the European Economic Community?
Nicolas Fernandez
Agriculture and Environment in French Law
Michel Prieur
Environmental Regulations and Foreign Trade Aspects
Michel Prieur
Drafting Contracts Under the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Michael Stonberg
Would Europe's Value Added Tax Work for the United States?
William J. Scott
The U.S. Import Relief Laws and Trade with Centrally Planned Economies
Stanislaw J. Soltysinski
Agriculture and Brazilian Environmental Legislation
Paul Affonso and Leme Machado
Letters of Credit and the Computerization of Maritime Trade
Mary Catharine Green
The Impact of Foreign Imports on the Florida Citrus Industry
Margaret S. Lyon
Multinational Business Enterprises in Lesser Developed Countries: The Role of the United States Legal System
Asifa Skeikh
The Polish Law of 1986 on Joint Ventures
Andrzej Burzynski
The Gray Market: Where Has It Been? Where Is It Going?
Richard Douglas
When the Chips are Down: Will Current or Proposed Trade Laws Protect the United States Semiconductor Industry?
David M. Rappaport
The Potential for the Export of Polish Sulfur to the Florida Market
James C. Nicholas
Agriculture and the Environment: An International and Comparative Law Perspective
Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer
U.S. Prohibitions on Cuban Trade: Are They Effective?
Marlene Hammock
The Impact of Interlocutory Judicial Decisions Upon Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings
J. Kevin Horgan
Nicaragua's Right to Self-Determination vis-à-vis United States Foreign Policy Objectives
Gabriele Nicolaus Dupre
Some Observations Concerning External Power of Decentralized Units Within the Context of the Treaty Making Powers of Article II and Corresponding Transnational Implications
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr.
Recent Developments in U.S. Law Affecting the International Trade of Agricultural Products and Pesticides
Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer
U.S. Poultry Exports: Challenging European Community and Brazilian Poultry Subsidies
Glenn C. W. Ames
Joint Venture Associations: Cuba Reopens Its Doors to Foreign Investment
Lynn McGilvray-Saltzman
Interlocutory Appeal of Remand Orders by the Court of International Trade Under 28 U.S.C. §1292(d)(1)
Duane W. Layton
The Preservation of Wildlife Habitat in Ecosystems: Towards a Direction Under International Law to Prevent Species' Extinction
Anne Batchelor
The Hague Evidence Convention: Are Foreign Parties Required to Provide Broad Discovery in United States Litigation?
Angel Castillo Jr.
Irish Unification as Northern Ireland Self-Determination: A Speculative Reappraisal of the Evidence
George Steven Swan
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act and Its Effect on the International Kidnapping of Children
Lori A. Balona
United States Constitutional Allocation of Power Impacting Upon Eastern European Trade
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr.
International Legal Ramifications of Biotechnology
James S. Wershow
Brazil's Legal Culture: The Jeito Revisited
Keith S. Rosenn
What Happens When the Court Reverses a Dumping or Countervailing Duty Case? What Should Happen?
William D. Hunter and John D. McInerney
Terrorism and International Law
Louis Rene Beres
International Law: Honoring the Letter and Sprit of International Treaties Lozano v. Montoya Alvarez, 134 S. Ct. 1224 (2014)
Andres R. Cordova
Growing Numbers of Chinese Blue Helmets: China's Changing Role Within the Security Council
Marissa A. Mastroianni
Human Sex Trafficking: An International Problem with an International Solution Requiring National Implementation
Melanie Franco
The World Bank, Capabilities, and Human Rights: A New Vision for Girls' Education Beyond 2015
Melissa Bellitto
Arbitration and Choice of Law in Sub-Saharan Africa
Peter N. Levenberg
Criminalizing Land-Grabbing: Arguing for ICC Involvement in the Cambodian Land Concession Crisis
Jessica Embree
Trading in Human Rights: Questioning the Advance of Human Rights into the World Trade Organization
Sayed M. Zonaid
Legal and Institutional Remedies for Middle East States Wishing to Develop and Increase Foreign Direct Investment
Griffin Weaver
The "Comfort Women" Reparation Movement: Between Universal Women's Human Right and Particular Anti-Colonial Nationalism
Ethan Hee-Seok Shin
Human Rights, Gay Rights, or Both? International Human Rights Law and Same-Sex Marriage
Jessica Brown
Israel's Laws on Referendum: A Tale of Unconstitutional Legal Structure
Mohammed Saif-Alden Wattad
Time for a Truth-Based Policy: Humanitarian Access to Children Living Without Family Care
Sara Dillon
Half Monk, Half Hitman: Applying Just War Theory to Private Military and Security Companies in the Context of Humanitarian Intervention
Robert J. Peters
Flight of the Condors: The Impact of Vulture Investors on Argentina's Sovereign Debt Default
Andrew Kelly
Decolonizing Shipwrecks Through Considerations of Indigeneity in Underwater Cultural Property Decisions
Chelle Haynes
Foundations of Specific Performance in Investor-State Dispute Settlements: Is It Possible and Desirable?
Farshad Rahimi Dizgovin
Nuclear Chain Reaction: Why Economic Sanctions are not Worth the Public Costs
Nicholas Colby Watson Wolfe
Justiciability of All Human Rights: Scottish Independence as Redress for British Human Rights Abuses
Ann M. Piccard
Degrogation in Time of Emergency: An Analysis of Counter-Terrorism Measures in France and Their Impact on Human Rights
Deena Mohammad El-Rashed
Autonomous Weapon System and Command Responsibility
Vivek Sehrawat
Rights Litigation Piggybacking: Legal Mobilization Strategies in LGBTIQ International Human Rights Jurisprudence
Lucas Lixinski
Direct and Structural Violence against Transgender Populations: A Comparative Legal Study
Brian Kritz
War Crimes, Inc.: The ATS Case against the U.S. Weapons Industry for Aiding and Abetting Atrocities in Yemen
Elizabeth Beavers
Improving Sustainability and Promoting the Right to Holistic Food: The Role of Agribusiness
Ying Chen
The Real Impact of Impact Litigation
Susan Wnukowska-Mtonga
Towards a More Ethical LL.M. Degree: Let's Give International Lawyers the Value They Deserve
Carrie W. Teitcher and Kathleen Darvil
Daimar Cánovas González
Daimar Cánovas González
Food Security, Industrialized Agriculture, and a Changing Global Climate: Perspectives on the United States and Cuba
Mary Jane Angelo
Seizing the “Organic” Moment: Cuba’s Agricultural Crossroads and Certified Organic Export Potential
Wesley J. Hevia, Michael T. Olexa, Thomas T. Ankersen, and William A. Messina Jr.
La seguridad alimentaria, la agricultura industrializada y un cambio climático mundial: Perspectivas en Estados Unidos y Cuba
Mary Jane Angelo
Comercio entre Cuba y los EE.UU. y el desafío de diversificar una economía azucarera, 1902-1962
Carmen Diana Deere
La solución de conflictos privados internacionales. Una mirada desde el Derecho internacional privado en Cuba
Taydit Peña Lorenzo
Visión general de la legislación cubana en materia de Derecho de Familia
Ana Maria Álvarez-Tabío Albo
Aprovechar el Momento “Orgánico”: la Encrucijada Agrícola de Cuba y el Potencial de sus Exportaciones Orgánicas Certificadas
Wesley J. Hevia, Michael T. Olexa, Thomas T. Ankersen, and William A. Messina Jr.
La Cultura del Género/El Género de la Cultura: Cubanas, Cultura y Cambio – La Isla y La Diáspora
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol
Los Instrumentos de la Gestión Ambiental. Garantia de la Sustentabilidad en Cuba
Dagniselys Toledano Cordero
Pilares de la Formación Postgraduada del Jurista en Cuba
Mayda N. Goite Pierre and Marta Fernández Martínez
Política Agraria y Desarrollo Rural en Cuba, el Sector Público de la Agricultura
Maritza de la Caridad Mc Cormack Bequer
Apuntes en Torno a las Modalidades de la Inversión Extranjera en Cuba
Natacha Teresa Mesa Tejeda
Garantías del Sistema Jurídico Cubano para la Promoción y Protección de la Inversión Extranjera
Marta Moreno Cruz
La Enseñanza del Derecho en Cuba
Teresa Delgado Vergara
Legislación y Marco Institucional Ambiental en Cuba
Daimar Cánovas González
Capitalismo de Estado en Cuba: Las Lecciones de la Literatura Sobre las Empresas Estatales y la Liberalización del Mercado
D. Daniel Sokol
The Culture of Gender/The Gender of Culture: Cuban Women, Culture, and Change—The Island and the Diaspora
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol
State Capitalism in Cuba: The Lessons of the Literature on State Owned Enterprises and Market Liberalization
D. Daniel Sokol
Agricultural Policy and Rural Development in Cuba, the Public Agriculture Section
Maritza de la Caridad McCormack Bequer
The Resolution of Conflicts of Law - A View from Private International Law in Cuba.
Taydit Peña Lorenzo
Notes on the Categories of Foreign Investment in Cuba
Natacha Teresa Mesa Tejeda
Safeguards in the Cuban Legal System for the Promotion and Protection of Foreign Investment
Marta Moreno Cruz
Pillars of the Postgraduate Formation of the Jurist in Cuba
Mayda N. Goite Pierre and Marta Fernández Martínez
Teaching Law in Cuba
Teresa Delgado Vergara
Instruments of Environmental Governance: A Guarantee of Sustainability in Cuba
Dagniselys Toledano Cordero
General Overview of Cuban Family Law Legislation
Ana María Álvarez-Tabío Albo
Environmental Legislation and Institutional Framework in Cuba
Daimar Cánovas González